Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior -

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Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior - opinion you

The Gamergate controversy concerned an online harassment campaign, primarily conducted through the use of the hashtag GamerGate, that centered on issues of sexism and anti-progressivism in video game culture. Gamergate is used as a blanket term for the controversy as well as for the harassment campaign and actions of those participating in it. After Eron Gjoni, Quinn's former boyfriend, wrote a disparaging blog post about Quinn, GamerGate hashtag users falsely accused Quinn of an unethical relationship with journalist Nathan Grayson. Harassment campaigns against Quinn and others included doxing , threats of rape, and death threats. Gamergate proponents "Gamergaters" have stated that they were a movement, but had no official leaders or manifesto. Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior. Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior

Metrics details. While most nurses work with high moral standards, the moral performance of some nurses in some organizations shows a deterioration in their moral sensitivity and actions. The study reported in this paper aimed to explore the experiences of nurses regarding negative changes in their moral practice.

What do we mean by ethical issues?

This was a qualitative study utilizing an inductive thematic analysis approach, which was conducted from February to September Twenty-five nurses participated in semi-structured interviews. The main theme that emerged from our analysis was one of moral neutralization in the context of an unethical moral climate. We found five sub-themes, including: 1 feeling discouraged; 2 normalization; 3 giving up; 4 becoming a justifier; and 5 moral indifference. Unethical moral climates in health organizations can Implicaions in deterioration of morality in nurses which can harm both patients and health systems. Some unethical behaviors in nurses can be explained by this process.

Peer Review reports. Providing high-quality ethical care is the main goal of the health system.

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Ethical practice in nursing aims to act following seven principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, health maximization, efficiency, respect for autonomy, Implicatios, and proportionality [ 2 ]. To achieve this goal all actions should be based on recent evidence and professional guidelines, including moral rules and regulations [ 3 ]. Nurses are one of the main members of each health providing team, and their performance has a substantial effect on patient's health and safety [ 4 ]. Every action a nurse performs in the care process has a moral dimension [ 6 ]; and based on ICN and Iranian Codes of ethics Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior nurses' actions should be according to ethical codes [ 78 ].

Nursing education is therefore not just about acquiring knowledge and learning practical skills, but also about gaining professional and ethical values [ 9 ].


The importance of ethics in care is to such an extent that it sometimes outweighs the technical aspects of nursing [ 10 ]; in this regard, any care should be provided ethically to have the highest quality. As nurses become more sensitive to the ethical aspects of care, the quality of care provided also tends to increase [ 1112 ]. Because the level of sensitivity to ethical issues and understanding the ethical dimensions of care are influenced by cultural and workplace conditions, and beliefs of nurses, the level of moral sensitivity of Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior can vary [ source ].

Nurses enter the nursing profession with a set of moral values, beliefs and competencies, and they are expected to develop ethical skills along with their clinical skills during their education and work. Morality is a cornerstone concept of nursing practice and education. As is the case with learning professional techniques, nurses' moral performance is affected by their work environment.

To examine why these changes happen, we searched the relevant literature, and we found that changes in moral competencies were the topic of several studies [ 141516171819 ]. More specifically, our review showed that there was a significant concentration on the development of morality in nursing students [ 2021222324 ]. Furthermore, the components of moral practice, including sensitivity and courage were evaluated in several studies [ Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior2627282930 ].

Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior

For example, in their study involving, [ 32 ] showed that nurses apply ethics knowledge in real work situations infrequently [ 11 ]. The results of other studies showed that sometimes deterioration happened in the moral practice of nurses.

Ethical Implications Of Unethical Behavior

For example, the results of Dalvand et al.]

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