Remarkable: Dynamic Composition Of Distributed System Or Multi
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In addition to exclusive access to IEEE. Future power systems have to integrate a higher amount of distributed, renewable energy resources to cope with a growing electricity demand, while at the same time trying to reduce emission of greenhouse gases. In addition, power system operators are nowadays confronted with further challenges due to the highly dynamic and stochastic behaviour of renewable generators solar, wind, small hydro, etc. Furthermore, due to ongoing changes to framework conditions and regulatory rules, technology developments development of new grid components and services and the liberalization of energy markets, the resulting design and operation of the future electric energy system has to be modified.
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While reaping the benefits that Systwm along with intelligent solutions, it is, however, expected that due to the considerably higher complexity of such solutions, validation and testing will play a significantly larger role in the development of future technology. As it stands, the first demonstration projects for smart grid technologies have been successfully completed; it follows that there is a high probability of key findings and achieved results being integrated in new and existing products, solutions and services of manufacturers and system integrators. Cart Create Account Sign In. Discover all the benefits of IEEE membership!
Share Embed Static Responsive. Copy Close. Antonello Monti, Ferdinanda Ponci, Marco Cupelli, RWTH Aachen Thomas Strasser, Austrian Institute of Technology Future power systems have to integrate a higher amount of distributed, renewable energy resources to cope with a growing electricity demand, while at the Disyributed time trying to reduce emission of greenhouse gases. Speakers in this video.

Thomas Strasser. December 28, Next Up.]

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