Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And -

Idea: Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And

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Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And

Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And - well!

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Show all documents The result of the analysis shows that the protagonist in this play is Hamlet. Hamlet is described as a melancholy, thoughtful person, tricky, rude, cool hearted, but also rational.

Top PDF External Conflict:

He belongs to round and dynamic person. As the protagonist, Hamlet experiences two kinds of conflictthey are internal person against himself and external conflict person against person, person against his environment.

Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And

Next when Magwitch works as a shepherd, he feels lonely and ever though to die, but he remembers about his desire to make Pip as a gentleman. He does not giving up, even he can not stand anymore.

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He is described as a person who is loyal, kind, sensitive, fatherly, smart, hard worker, and struggle. He is also described as a person who is stubborn, clumsy and rude. Magwitch belongs to round static character, since he has more than one specific trait, but he does not change during the story. Magwitch experiences both internal and external conflict.

Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And

The setting in this story is divided into setting of place, time and social. Setting of place in this novel is in London.

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Settings of time in in this novel is on 19th century. Setting of social in this novel is about the class system of Victorian England, since this novel tells us about the gaps between the rich and poor in extreme society. This research gives an example of a qualitative literary work based on the elements of literature such as conflict Internal and external and theme. Jacob as a living example of Jews Immigrant had been so busy focusing himself as a victim of all things that happened to him. The internal conflict of Jacob result that Jacob against his own feeling from his bitter experience and it makes him feels rejected.]

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