Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries -

Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries

Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries Video

Top 10 Differences Between The Vampire Diaries Books \u0026 TV Show Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries

Connor Jordan

On The Vampire DiariesElena Gilbert killed five characters and the remaining members of a subculture of witches known as the Travelers. The series was a coming-of-age story with a twist: typical teen angst amplified by the presence of supernatural creatures, including witches, werewolves, and vampires. The show developed a strong cult following thanks to its attractive ensemble cast, the series' addictive mix of horror, drama, humor, and the epic love triangle between Elena and the two brooding, sexy vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. The show's popularity led to two spin-offs, The Originalsand Legacies.

Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries made bold and unexpected choices for its main characters' storylines, keeping Djaries series fresh and unpredictable. Throughout the series, Elena and her friends constantly fought to protect their town and loved ones, only to see their efforts thwarted by unforeseen and often heartbreaking plot twists. The line between good and evil was often blurred.

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At the center of it all was Elena, who was viewed as the show's moral compass: an empathetic Vanpire woman who tried to maintain her humanity despite the murder and mayhem that caused her to suffer great personal losses Legacies referenced Elena's fate after The Vampire Diaries ended. Every season, The Vampire Diaries amassed an impressive body count.

Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries

It became evident that killing became a necessary evil to survive in Mystic Falls, and even Elena had to get link on her hands. While Elena may not have dealt the final death blow, she played an integral part in the deaths of two Original siblings, Kol and Finn Mikaelson. Once Elena became a vampire in season 4, she tried to murder her two closest friends, Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett the Salvatore brother Anc Caroline, and Bonnie fended off Elena's attack with magic. While Elena's victims were far outnumbered by those of Klaus Mikaelson Klaus fate following his death remains uncertain according to LegaciesStefan, Diarifs, and other central characters, she was responsible for the deaths of several individuals and Comparing Vampire And The Vampire Diaries helping to put an end to a faction of witches known as the Travelers. During season 3, someone began killing Mystic Falls' city council members.

The only link between the victims was the integral roles they played in covering up the town's vampire-related deaths. The killer's third victim was Alaric Saltzman, whom Matt Donovan Of The Arnold Friend Elena discovered stabbed and bleeding to death inside the Gilbert home. Later, it was revealed Alaric staged the scene. He was Mystic Falls' mystery serial killer. Every time Alaric had died wearing the Gilbert Ring and briefly visited the Other Side, Original witch Esther Mikaelson laid the groundwork for Alaric to become the next Mikael Mikaelson: a virtually indestructible vampire killer.]

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