Campus Violence -

Campus Violence Video

Dealing With Sexual Violence on Campus Campus Violence.

Opinion, you: Campus Violence

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Campus Violence 4 days ago · Opinion: LSU refusal to aid and protect alleged victims of sexual violence is campus-wide. Glenn Guilbeau. Lafayette Daily Advertiser. Oct 29,  · To supplement these statistics, the bill would require colleges to conduct regular surveys of the campus climate around sexual violence. According to . 3 days ago · campus attacks targeted vargeted v.
The Wal Mart 16 hours ago · Data from a campus climate/violence survey (CCS) include psychometric information for survey items/scales plus findings from a large state university . 6 days ago · As part of a broader crackdown on universities for mishandling sexual violence, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights launched a . 3 days ago · campus attacks targeted vargeted v.
Campus Violence

And at Viooence that was a worthy cause, although were two key members of that team who were allegedly not worthy of participating, according to a USA Campus Violence investigative report published Monday about LSU's extremely suspect handling of accusations of sexual violence and misconduct for years. Linebacker Jacob Phillips, who is now with the Cleveland Browns in the NFL as a third-round draft choice last spring, played on after an Cxmpus of rape, the story said.

Taylor said LSU displayed the same systemic lack of ability to handle sexual Campus Violence as previously seen in high profile cases at Michigan StatePenn State and Baylor. Finally, in April ofassociate athletic director Miriam Segar, the athletic department's senior woman administrator, began to see the light and filed a Title IX report. Davis, though, was still practicing with the football team in early August after continued beatings of the tennis player.

‘All the higher-ups’ knew

The story does not say if LSU coach Ed Orgeron knew of Davis' beatings, but his only discipline of Davis at the time was a ban from the weight room that summer. Read the investigation: LSU mishandled sexual misconduct complaints against students, including top athletes. Finally on Aug. Davis was arrested and charged with felony dating violenceand he was Campks suspended from the football Campus Violence and never returned.

University conceals Guice records

Meanwhile, LSU deputy athletic director Verge Ausberry had a text message since the previous April from Davis in which he admitted to punching the female tennis player, according to the story. LSU may soon be getting very acquainted with process as, according to the story, it has broken federal laws for years requiring school officials to report such violent behavior against women to the Campus Violence IX office and campus police.

LSU has also broken state public records laws by hiding information. All LSU employees, not just those in Campus Violence positions, are expected to report anything they witness or hear about regarding sexual misconduct to the Title IX office.

Campus Violence

LSU's Title IX office, however, is also suspect for how it may have handled some reports or not handled them. At least, LSU is respecting the report. It would be hard not to.

Campus Violence

But at least LSU made it sound good. Orgeron also said the right things. We provide education, training and resources to combat violence, sexual misconduct, and inequality.

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And instead of being overly defensive, he admitted wrongdoing and mentioned "misconduct" that was "ignored, dismissed outright or mishandled by coaches and university officials. In closing, he said, "You have my word that we will respond promptly to any report of misconduct and Violencee it Campus Violence a manner that is fair and equitable to everyone involved.

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