Book Review The Odyssey -

Book Review The Odyssey Video

A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey: Crash Course Literature 201 Book Review The Odyssey. Book Review The Odyssey

Welcome to my new weekly blog series! Voila, this idea came to mind and it serves both purposes. The Odyssey.

Book Review The Odyssey

I know—this seems completely random to select for my first entry. And it is. Not so much Book Review The Odyssey other aspects of my life. This epiphany prompted me to explore all the ways where life was lacking creativity, one of which was mental stimulation. For someone who loves to use her brain, that was a major reveal! No wonder why I was getting bored so easily. I can work and play even during a quarantine, but what was I learning? I would be a forever student if I could be. So, before I go off on a long tangent in what is supposed to be a book review, let me wrap it up quickly by saying this realization inspired me to look for free online courses to fill up my intellectual cup. Plus, its first 3 weeks focused on The Odyssey by Homer, a book my daughter just read in her sophomore English class and had in her possession. My interest was piqued because I remembered reading it myself in high school and really enjoying it.

Fast forward enough years, and Book Review The Odyssey wondered if it still held the same curiosity.

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I was pleasantly surprised to find that it did. Of course, it helped that the professor gave us some background first and my daughter had annotations all over it, but for the most part, I was able to understand the story quite well.

Book Review The Odyssey

Anyway, when Book Review The Odyssey cut through that boring fat, I found the story itself to be quite fascinating. Not as in it kept me on the edge of my seat rooting for anyone. As in, how it was totally okay for the main character, Odysseus, to have sex with several goddesses while he pined away for his wife, who was forbidden from such betrayal. Was I supposed to feel bad for him for eating in luxury and getting cosmically laid for ten years? Or how about his wife, Penelope, had to stay up in her damn room while a town full of lusty vultures vied for her hand in marriage.

Mmmm, Book Review The Odyssey rude beast should she choose to spend her life with? And then there were the gods and their games. Okay, so I know I have to keep in mind that this book was written during a way different time period and that values were much different yet, are they really? I get that Greek mythology in and of itself is a complex, dramatic interpretation of what a culture deemed as their heritage, and I mean absolutely no disrespect towards their belief systems.

Book Review The Odyssey

But aside from the sexism, which is representative of that time and civilization, I have to say that I was still very much intrigued by the story and the fabricated details. Plus, it also gave me some good laughs with my daughter, who I was able to have a mini book club discussion with as I was reading it. After that book, I dropped the class. All Posts. Book Review: The Odyssey by Homer.

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