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Analysis of Thompsons Article A Defense of - something

The Raiders intercepted four passes, recovered one fumble, and completely flummoxed Drew Lock in a victory on Sunday over the Denver Broncos. You just see them have fun and flying around and not think too much. So hopefully we can translate that into next week. The Raiders had their first four-interception game since and first game with five takeaways in seven years. A much-maligned group in recent years is starting to perform better. Over the past three weeks, the Raiders rank in the top five in takeaways 7 , passer rating against You got to play good, you just got to do your job. Play in and play out for the entire game. Running game. Analysis of Thompsons Article A Defense of Analysis of Thompsons Article A Defense of

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Instant analysis from the Patriots' win over the Ravens:. The Ravens had much more talent on paper, but the Patriots are improving at a significant rate.

Analysis of Thompsons Article A Defense of

The offense was efficient, finished drives, and dominated the line of scrimmage. The defense was disciplined, opportunistic, and kept Lamar Jackson in check all night.

Analysis of Thompsons Article A Defense of

And the Patriots handled the torrential downpours, while the Ravens self-destructed with two untimely fumbled snaps. The Patriots still have the same roster deficiencies that plagued them the first eight games of the season, Analysis of Thompsons Article A Defense of they are still only 10th in the AFC. But they have been getting noticeably better the last few weeks, and the seventh playoff spot is back within view.

After punting on the opening drive, the Patriots went 75 yards for a touchdown on each of their next three full drives for Thompsojs lead. This, against a Ravens defense that entered allowing the fewest points in the NFL But the Ravens actually have struggled against the run this year, ranking 20th in yards per carry 4. With Calais Campbell out injured, McDaniels ran the ball right at them, rushing 38 times for yards 4.

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Newton hit most of the plays that he needed to and managed the game well, picking up a few key first downs late. McDaniels also went back to the double-pass well again, but it worked this time because he had never called it before for Jakobi Meyers, a former high school quarterback. Meyers hit Rex Burkhead for a yard touchdown, the Patriots' longest offensive touchdown of the season. But the run defense, aided by the return of Lawrence Guy from injury, was outstanding against the No.]

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