America s Criminal Justice System -

America s Criminal Justice System

America s Criminal Justice System - happens

Open this book and step into America's court system! With Neubauer and Fradella's best-selling text, you will see for yourself what it is like to be a judge, a prosecutor, a defense attorney, and more. This fascinating and well-researched text gives you a realistic sense of being in the courthouse, enabling you to quickly gain an understanding of what it is like to work in and be a part of the American criminal justice system. The book's approach, which focuses on the courthouse "players," makes it easy to understand each person's important role in bringing a case through the court process. Throughout the text, the authors highlight not only the pivotal role of the criminal courts but also the court's importance and impact on society as a whole. The book's approach, which focuses. America s Criminal Justice System

America s Criminal Justice System Video

How to fix our broken criminal justice system - Robert Barton - TEDxSanQuentin America s Criminal Justice System

November 16, These are stories that challenge assumptions. And, they change perceptions. At the Monitor, Samantha Laine Perfas is a master of the counternarrative.

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This season, the Perception Gaps team dug deep into misconceptions about a single topic: the American criminal justice system and what can be done America s Criminal Justice System make it more effective and fair. I spoke with Sam, Jessica, and Henry recently and began by asking them what other elements of the criminal justice system might surprise readers — or challenge their assumptions about innocence and guilt. There are many people who are locked up that have not been convicted of a crime, and there see more hundreds of thousands of Americans with criminal records simply because they took a plea deal to avoid being incarcerated pretrial.

The decision on which charges to file, or even whether charges are filed, are the decisions that animate the justice system, and prosecutors make those decisions all the time with few restraints. Once a prosecutor has made that call then all you can do is fight them in court. Corrections officers are a big one as well.

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We have so many stereotypes about who commits crimes, what kinds of crimes are often committed, what it looks like in courts and in jails and prisons. The first season of Perception Gaps focused on many different topics from the opioid crisis to immigration. Why did you focus all six episodes of season two on the criminal justice system? SLP : After completing the link season, one piece America s Criminal Justice System feedback we received was that devoting only 30 minutes to each topic seemed too short.

Our listeners said that given the choice, they would prefer to go deeper into issues rather than learn only a little about many different topics. So we listened!

America s Criminal Justice System

We decided to focus the entirety of Season 2 on the justice system. We wanted to shed light on this vast institution, and allow people to acknowledge and address some of the misperceptions they had about the system. Many of the sources we interviewed throughout the mAerica were academics, formerly incarcerated individuals, and professionals that Henry has met throughout his reporting career.

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Jess, who used to work on our politics team in DC, brought critical political expertise to our reporting, knowing the right questions and areas to explore when discussing policy. With my knowledge from reporting the first season, we truly were a power team. It was different, and somehow more organic than partnering with a photographer for a big piece or sharing a byline go here a colleague for a story you both made calls for. It also needed her project management skills, because there were a thousand America s Criminal Justice System that needed to be done to get this off the ground before, during, and after reporting and producing that had nothing to do with the content of the piece.

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And I like to think it needed my sense for narrative writing — for taking seemingly disparate pieces and turning them into a story with a beginning, middle, and end — and my passion for learning how to produce and tell stories through audio. Having them serve as a kind of proxy for the casual listener with less knowledge of the justice system helped make the series more accessible, I think. Sam, you work primarily in audio journalism.

America s Criminal Justice System

SLP : I have come to love and embrace audio storytelling in a way that I would never have predicted.]

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