Agriculture Provides More Food For The People - can
USDA-projected longrun developments for global agriculture reflect steady world economic growth and continued demand for biofuels, which combine to support increases in consumption, trade, and prices. ERS research in this topic area focuses on the economic, social, spatial, temporal, and demographic factors that affect the poverty status of rural residents. ERS conducts research on USDA's child nutrition programs and their role in children's food security, diets, and well-being. Agricultural Trade Multipliers provide annual estimates of employment and output effects of trade in farm and food products on the U. Forecasts and estimates of farm sector income with component accounts: for the United States, F; and for States, Updated September 2, ERS compares the prices paid by consumers for food with the prices received by farmers for their corresponding commodities. These comparisons are reported for a variety of foods sold in retail food stores. Several commodities have been upda In 76 low- and middle-income countries, the number of food-insecure people is projected to increase by Agriculture Provides More Food For The People![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Agriculture Provides More Food For The People](
One hundred years after its creation, Lebanon is invited to rethink its economic model in the context of a profound internal crisis and regional turmoil.
The collapse of its financial and banking sectors, paired with the domination of a corrupt and incompetent political elite, has led the country to the verge of becoming a failed state in which people cannot access food and basic services. Within this overall environment, rethinking agriculture is a key element in building a sustainable economic model that reduces geographical inequalities and ensures food security.
Agricultural development in Lebanon has always been highly influenced by local and regional socioeconomic and political dynamics. After the famine of —, the creation of Greater Lebanon in was motivated by food security imperatives.
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Akkar, the Beqaa Valley, and South Lebanon—all predominantly agricultural areas—were Agriculture Provides More Food For The People to Mount Lebanon to ensure that the new state would not suffer famine again. However, rural and agricultural development soon faced political challenges. The French Mandate — failed to foster a rural economy and reduce geographical inequalities, giving up on the implementation of its rural development plan in order to gain support from rural landlords. In that period, little emphasis was placed on taking advantage of economic growth to transform agriculture. Across the country, and more notably around Palestinian refugee camps near the coast and in the Beqaa Valley, traditional local agriculture was replaced by export-oriented fruit production and please click for source handful of large agroindustrial enterprises.
Food production was geared primarily toward regional trade, radically altering social dynamics. For instance, in the Arsal area in northern Beqaa Valley, the move from agropastoral modes of production toward growing cherries and apricots for export radically changed gender and social dynamics there. Women, previously central to agricultural production, saw their roles relegated, while there was a reduction in cooperation over sustainable land resources management, a feature of traditional agropastoral systems. Within that context, the reforms under president Fouad Chehab in the late s and early s represented a unique attempt to develop agriculture and rural development policies and address inequalities. However, the Chehabist reforms did not alter the system.

Export-oriented agriculture and politically affiliated agroindustrial investments failed to induce local economic development at a time when improvements in health and reduced infant mortality had prompted a demographic boom. The state did not have any policy vision for agriculture, and the sector relied on the intervention of international donors and the influence of local nonstate actors in shaping regionaldevelopment policies.
This was particularly true of rural development in majority Druze areas, Bsharri in the north, and Deir al-Ahmar in the northern Beqaa Valley, as well as regions under the influence of the two leading Shia parties, Hezbollah and Amal. SinceLebanon has faced two shocks threatening its capacity to ensure food security for its inhabitants—the Syrian crisis beginning in and the financial crisis in late The war in Syria provoked an influx of about 1. Peiple

While this demand represented a burden, it also had a positive impact by increasing the real value of agricultural output by 10 percent compared to the precrisis level. To respond to rising food demand, people invested in agriculture, especially in greenhouses, vegetables, and potatoes.
Satellite pictures of the coastal Akkar and northern Beqaa Valley regions show the expansion of agricultural land after Despite a lack of political Peoplle, the Lebanese agricultural sector has been able to adapt quickly in response to food security shocks and generate social stability and resilience in Agdiculture areas. However, the financial crisis and the collapse of the Lebanese pound have put the food security of vulnerable Lebanese and refugees at risk. Between October and Octoberthe consumer price index increased by percent, while food prices increased by an alarming percent. Data collected from Beirut supermarkets show that volumes of sales of high-end food products—functional foods, imported sweets, culinary preparations, and more—had decreased by Agriculture Provides More Food For The People percent, while the sale of basic food items such as cereals, pasta, sugar, and rice had increased by percent.]
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