Acid Attacks Under Ipc -

Acid Attacks Under Ipc

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The issue was discussed in an e-meeting by the NCW with the nodal officers and representatives of the 24 States and Union Territories. Acid attack victims have not been paid compensation in out of 1, cases across the country, the National Commission for Women NCW said and demanded immediate attention of the states on the matter. National Commission for Women Chairperson Rekha Sharma expressed her concern over the non-payment of compensation to acid attack survivors. According to data till October 20, out of 1, cases of acid attack across the country compensation has been given to acid attack survivors in just cases. This was conveyed as a huge concern during the discussion as the commission has the mandate to safeguard women laws and protection of their rights, including safety of women from various atrocities such as acid attack crimes. Out of the 1, cases, medical assistance was provided to cases by the States, the data said. The NCW also insisted that the nodal officers must instruct the police authorities to take such cases at priority and to avoid delay in investigation and filling charge sheets. The nodal officers have also been asked to keep track at all levels of the systematic coordination. Sign in. Acid Attacks Under Ipc.

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Acid Attack - Section 326A \u0026 326B - IPC - Acid फेंकने की धमकी देना - Smart \u0026 Legal Guidance -Chap 16

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