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NCERT Biology Short Notes -- NCERT + OUTSIDE NCERT -- The living world -- NEET , CBSE , ICSE

The nucleus is an important element of the cells. It is a membrane-bound organelle that is typically found in the eukaryotic cells.

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By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies. You can refuse to use cookies by setting the necessary parameters in your browser. Biology Write short notes on the following. Answers: 2. Explanation: Cytoplasm Structure Cell organelles are various structures existing inside cells.

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All these structures are distinct and perform specific functions. Cells have three main elements i.

A Short Note On The Biology Of

The plasma membrane or cell membrane is a bi-lipid membranous layer, parting the cell organelles from its outside environment and from the different cells. It is the external covering of a cell where all different parts, including cytoplasm and nucleus, are enclosed.

A Short Note On The Biology Of

Next, is the O, one of the biggest organelle. They have exclusive control of a cell. Lastly, the cytoplasm is a jelly-like material in which the cell organelles are implanted. The cytoplasm is an essential component of the cell. It is a semi-liquid jelly-like material, which joins the nucleus and the cell membrane.

In the cell, the cytoplasm is embedded, while other cell organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, vacuoles, etc. It can easily be examined under a microscope through the staining technique.

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Functionally, it is the site for several chemical reactions within a cell. Most of the cellular metabolism takes place here. Cytoplasm Function One of the major functions Shorf cytoplasm is to enable cells to maintain their turgidity, which enables the cells to hold their shape. Other functions of cytoplasm are as follows: The jelly-like fluid of the cytoplasm is composed of salt and water and is present within the membrane of the cells and embeds all of the parts of the cells and organelles. The cytoplasm is home to many activities of the cell as it contains molecules, enzymes that are crucial in the break down of the waste.

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The cytoplasm also assists in metabolic activities. Cytoplasm provides shape to the cell. It fills up the cells thus enabling the organelles to remain in their position.]

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