A Long Time Ago Video
A Long Time Ago - Sierra Lauren - #LIGHTtheWORLD A Long Time AgoThe subreddit is built around the game Rocket League by Psyonix, and as a result every post should be directly related to the game. Posts about similar games, posts that are only tangentially linked e. Do not spam, harass, insult, A Long Time Ago use hate-speech at any time towards other users, even if it is in a jokingly manner. Recordings or pictures of your screen that have been taken on a phone may also be removed if deemed too low quality. Looking for trades, free A Long Time Ago, or people to play with is not allowed on the subreddit. Giveaways have to first be approved by a mod via modmail. Scoreboard, rank and other screenshots of in-game achievements are not allowed. Posts about in-game bans are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose. Duplicate posts around the same topic within a certain time frame will be removed. See the full rules for more information. Video media posts such as gameplay clips are hard limited to one per day per user.
Self-promotion on the subreddit is Tiem allowed if you meet certain Lony.

A Long Time Ago and comments that could result in you or people you are affiliated with gaining subscribers, followers, ad revenue etc. We also do not allow the discussion of cheats or exploits on the subreddit. Do not use the subreddit to publicly shame or accuse someone. Posts containing toxic behavior are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose for example in combination with a suggestion and if all usernames are censored. The rules in the sidebar are a summary of the full rules.
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The full rules can be found here. A complete summary can be found here. Request SSL Flair. Last night, I finally hit Gold! Haha, a hell of a long time - it's crazy to think it's been a year and a half of this. Funny thing, is that the A Long Time Ago change that led to improvement was just in decision making. It had nothing to do with what controller I was using :P. Making an advanced AI and saying "score goal" is cheating!
Though making an advanced AI would be helpful for a lot of people!
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Op got to lvl in Warcraft on those. Now, granted, that is just as much perseverance as skill. But compared to the bongos, they are easy mode. It works surprisingly well!
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The main challenge with it is turning with fine control. In order to not flip in the air, I have to keep the whammy perfectly balanced in the center, which takes some practice to get right.

It's like using an analog stick that's constantly pressuring itself to move in a direction, if that makes sense. I've certainly improved over time though! What in the hell is wrong with you?]
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