Tree Grows In Brooklyn Quotes -

Tree Grows In Brooklyn Quotes

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Tree Grows In Brooklyn Quotes

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Tree Grows In Brooklyn Quotes

Quotes from Tree now include quotes from authors. Currently, these are the most popular citations in the Tree citation topic. You can now read a total of Tree quotes. I feel like a tree. A tree doesn't feel a duty to start doing something about the earth from which it comes.

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A tree just has to bear fruit, and leaves and blossoms. It doesn't feel grateful to the earth. Character is like a tree and reputation a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. With a tree, all the growth takes place at the growing tips.

Tree Grows In Brooklyn Quotes

Humanity is exactly the same. All the growth takes place in the growing tip: among that one percent of the population. It's made up of pioneers, the beginners.


That's where the action is. Even as Brooklyb kid, I was a businessman. I figured out that if you plucked all the berries off my neighbor's tree and smashed them up, they made a Nickelodeon Gak-type consistency. I sold them to all the neighborhood kids and made stacks of quarters. Of course, the berries were poisonous, and I got in all types of trouble.

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Hardcover and paperback forever. Someone carve that into a tree. A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.]

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