Theu s And Texas Constitutions -

Theu s And Texas Constitutions Theu s And Texas Constitutions.

Does the State of Texas actually need its own constitution in addition to the U.S. Constitution?

By: W. If you want to hold public office in Texas, you have to believe in God. Given the long history we have had of con artists, and scofflaws, carpetbaggers, and white-collar criminals holding public office around the state, this may seem hard to believe. But it is right there in the Texas constitution. Plain as day. There is no requirement Tueu any specific religion.


And this would presumably rule Texa agnostics, too, since they are eternal doubters and could not, with confidence, say that they believe in a Supreme Being. This is just one of the unusual dimensions of the Texas Constitution that few people know about. Texas protects individual rights more than most states.

Theu s And Texas Constitutions

In Texas, credit card companies cannot garnish your wages to collect on a bad debt. Texas is exceptionally protective of debtors in bankruptcy cases, too — especially if you actually own anything worth losing. If your house sits on acres in the country, you get to keep that. Finally, you get to keep two firearms. I suppose to help you protect your property from pesky bill collectors. Most Texans seem to believe that Texas has a constitutional Constitutioms to secede from the U. It does not.

Theu s And Texas Constitutions

This is a myth. However, Texas does have the right to divide itself into two, three, four or five states. The only advantage would be to give us 10 senators instead of two.

Theu s And Texas Constitutions

But Texas would not be Texas if it were divided. Such plans have link been discussed. According to the Handbook of Texasone plan wanted to divide the state along the Colorado River, with the new territory south and west to be called Lincoln and the part north and east to be called Texas.

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Another plan proposed dividing us into three states. These would be called Jefferson, Texas, and Matagorda. None of these plans ever made it out of committee. I suppose the legislators knew that had the good people of Texas gotten wind of it, they would have gotten Conatitutions long Texas rope, and strung them up from a live oak. Recent Posts See All. Teddy Roosevelt's Texas Campaign.]

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