The Views Of Scalia And Brennan Of -

The Views Of Scalia And Brennan Of The Views Of Scalia And Brennan Of The Views Of Scalia And Brennan Of

If you want to effectively express your beliefs about this deliberately chaotic election, I urge you to contact your representatives in your state legislature and Congress. Especially if you live in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona — cesspools of fraud and lawlessness all.

Interpreting and Correcting the Constitutional

We who are defending the rule of law are being lectured about the peaceful transfer of power by the likes of President Obama, who during his transition was actually conspiring against President Trump and spying on his team illicitly. Our litigators and investigators are figuring out where we can make a stand to preserve the lawful election result. Code designates this past Tuesday as Election Day. Any votes being counted that arrive after that day should be subject to challenge. And any vote counting that occurs after Election Day should be subject to challenge.

Equal Protection? The Supreme Court's Decision in Bush v. Gore

When you have a pause in counting, that indicates that fraud has taken place. Americans should demand courts and state legislatures and Congress protect free and fair elections! The election may well end up in Congress, as I explain in this video:. The electors vote as part of the Electoral College process in the middle of December. Then on January 6, the new Congress is supposed to meet and count the votes and essentially confirm and ratify the Electoral College selection of the president and vice president. We have observed and researched and litigated elections read more decades, and, as you might imagine, we are following this one extremely closely.

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We will be deploying our weapon of choice, the Freedom of Information Act, to uncover the truth. Central Intelligence Agency et al.

The Views Of Scalia And Brennan Of

The suit was filed on November 16, ]

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