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The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With Video

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Cheating in marriages is always found among men. But it is surprising as some married women have aired shocking reasons why they cheat on their partner. They opened up to a relationship counselor on Facebook, David Papa Bomdze-Mbri about what prompted them to cheat on their hubby. She did her very best to train us up well. I know a lot more women were brought up well too, however, women are just as bad as men in this cheating game, except — women get away with it more because we are more emotional, charismatic, and play victim more. In all though, men and women are the same. I am cheating on my husband because I am no longer in love with him. I used to love him, but the love died, someway, somehow, along the journey. We are both married with kids. The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With

He briefed the media on what led to his arrest in Dubai and circumstances surrounding the closure of his companies. He thanked his staff, investors and the government of Ghana for co-operating with him since his issues started.

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The Withh of defunct Menzgold holds on to his claim that his gold firm is registered and also denied vehemently claims he runs a ponzi scheme. Thank you for coming to this event meant to provide you with the detailed state of our companies especially, what has bedeviled Menzgold for the past twelve months and the way forward. First of all, let me start by praying the almighty God for grace today and to thank him gratefully as we count our many blessings.

The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With

Let me also take the opportunity to thank the Government of Ghana; Ambassador of Ghana to the United Arab Emirates; His Excellency Alhaji Ahmed Ramadan, for the consular services extended to me during my eight months detention in Dubai. I thank the Ghana Police Service for the warm reception and the exhibit of professionalism in the discharge of their duty on Unvortunate arrival to Ghana on the 11th July, May Allah, ever merciful, most compassionate bless and prosper Dubai forever.

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Allah Kareem. I owe an immense debt of gratitude to the people of Ghana, our legal team abroad and in Ghana, led by Mr. Kwame Boafo Akuffo, my brother and my good friend; who has been resolute, exhibited loyalty and courage in the face Wiyh adversity, exhibiting his service and commitment to nothing but the law. Today, I cannot forget to bless the over one thousand staff of Menzgold, Zylofon Media, Brew Marketing Consult and all our other companies in Ghana, more info well as our families for their unwavering support, since the unfortunate events of the past few months.

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To you all I say; you made a good choice which would be well rewarded by God almighty, especially Mr. Thank you so much. I also reserve my biggest gratitude to our cherished Menzgold customers for their continued support, encouragement, loyalty and prayers through the trying times. Thank you. Even though I am still receiving the much-needed medical attention, swellings-blood clots in my pelvic region and knees with excruciating pains following a past surgical procedure, due to my well-publicized long nine-months detention in Dubai and Ghana. Regardless, I deem it very fit to make this address to the general public, especially to Menzgold customers in a bid to keep them abreast with the on goings.

Menzgold Ghana Company Limited is a licensed reputable Ghanaian gold dealership firm, with six years of impeccable and enviable service delivery and gold trading record. It would interest you to know that in five years, Menzgold consistently met the demands of its customers, suppliers and foreign partners who do business with us, but for the force majeure; the regulatory questions raised by the Bank of Ghana and the Securities and Exchange Commission; regulatory intervention of which we respectfully contested and is still before the Ghanaian courts of law.

We saw the need to embark on a drive for international expansion in a quest to broaden our market share The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With, which saw the openings of some international outlets in Madrid, London and Lagos. To you all who suffered various degrees of upsets, being it directly or indirectly, we share equally in your pain. With God on our side, we shall soon change this sad Menzgold tale to a very happy narrative, as i grasp a resolve now to drive Menzgold from good to great. The Menzgold product line that has been questioned, is one that is just an act of The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With characterized by most businesses worldwide. We sought to build a word processor out of a typewriter in our line of business, with the hope of being encouraged to create wealth in the face of globalization.

The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With

With this background juxtaposed with my vision and drive to build a business that would surpass our generation, innovation was the only option. The subsequent action by the Economic and Organised Crime Office EOCO to freeze Menzgold and my personal assets further hardened the resolve of some of our debtors who thought Menzgold was a thing of the past. Following my graceful acquittal and discharge in the Dubai Superior Court, the need read more for me to return to Ghana immediately on the call of the Interpol red notice, to answer criminal charges on the same customers debt portfolio before the Ghanaian Court, the very reason why I went to Dubai in the first place.

A call that restrained me from laying claim to the funds I went to the UAE to recoup.

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All companies worldwide have liabilities in its books and so do Menzgold. Business in summary is all about owing and being owed.

The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With

We at Menzgold are committed and do express our willingness to service our debts portfolios to Tge customers and business associates as soon as we can with a given opportunity. We respectfully pray the Ghanaian Pattient to cooperate with us to achieve the following. To unfreeze our Companies and my personal bank accounts and assets for us to utilize these as vehicles to get productive in other to meet our liabilities, owed to our customers and some business associates in our bid to resolve our liabilities immediately.

This is why it is highly imperative to consider this kind request, as I believe, government shares in our resolve and would do all that which is needful in our quest to satisfy the populace, who are our The Unfortunate Mindset Of A Patient With. As we have publicly demonstrated, we are open to fair supervision and are opposed to no supervision, misconceived supervision or supervision with malicious intents, respectfully. The founders of PayPal; Elon Musk and co. All of these innovative breakthroughs had regulatory questions, suffered bad press. Uber and Airbnb particularly have suffered global protests, Travis Kalanick; founder and first CEO of Uber especially, fought many regulatory and legal battles.]

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