The Titanic And The Titanic -

The Titanic And The Titanic

The Titanic And The Titanic - like

Encyclopedia Titanica tells the stories of the real people that designed, built and sailed on RMS Titanic. Get quick facts and helpful links in our introduction to RMS Titanic. It was taken at Crosshaven, Co Cork, Ireland Sometimes the stories around the Titanic are as amazing as the Titanic story itself! Lost one daughter when she fell down a lift shaft and was crushed. The Titanic And The Titanic The Titanic And The Titanic

No one knows exactly where Captain E. Smith was at p. But witnesses said he appeared on the bridge of the Titanic just moments later, asking what the storied ship, making its maiden voyage across the Atlantic, had struck.

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In more than 40 years at sea he had rarely been involved in an accident and never held accountable for one. Now he was about to preside over one of the worst sea disasters of all time. In a matter of hours, more than 1, passengers and crew would be dead, including Smith himself.

The Titanic And The Titanic

Smith, c. Fourth Officer Joseph G.

Conflicting Damage Reports

Boxhall made a quick inspection of the ship and returned to the bridge to report that he had found no damage. But whatever relief Smith might have felt at that moment was quickly shattered. While the ship could have stayed afloat with up to four flooded compartments, depending on their location, five tipped into catastrophic territory. At roughly midnight, Andrews reportedly told Smith the Titanic could last another 60 to 90 minutes.

The Phantom Rescue Ship

Smith now knew the Titanic was doomed. The captain still had some hope of averting total disaster. Soon after the collision, he and other officers saw what they believed to be the lights of a nearby ship. Several estimated it was no more than five miles away. At a. Smith gave orders to uncover the lifeboats and alert the passengers.

The Titanic And The Titanic

But the Carpathia was 58 miles—or some four hours—away. It was now just after a.

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Still hoping to get the attention of the mysterious ship nearby, the captain ordered the firing of distress rockets at a. At the same time, Boxhall tried to contact it with a signal lamp, flashing a plea for help in Morse code. There was no reply to either. It was also around a. That was one of several incidents that have led some historians to question whether Smith had gone into Titznic state of shock.]

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