The Space Mission Where No One Has -

The Space Mission Where No One Has Video

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See comments. That mission, which involved two astronauts, was considered a test flight. The commander of the self-guiding Crew Dragon, Mike Hopkins, announced the arrival to controllers on the ground. Excellent job. The astronauts named their spacecraft Resilience to note the difficulties many Americans have faced in The word resilience means the ability to become strong, healthy or successful again after something bad happens. The seven are expected to remain on the ISS together until the first team ends its mission in April The new arrivals broadcast a video tour of their spacecraft, showing off different control equipment and storage areas.

They also demonstrated how a small Baby Yoda doll helps them recognize when they hit zero gravity.

The Space Mission Where No One Has

Baby Yoda has become a hit on the internet since first appearing on Spacs television show The Mandalorian. The space station - an orbital laboratory about kilometers above Earth - will be home for the new arrivals for the next six months.

After that, the Crew Dragon will bring another set of astronauts to replace them. That rotation will continue until Boeing joins the program with its own spacecraft late next year.

CNET Science

The Associated Press and Reuters reported on this story. Caty Weaver was the editor. We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section, and visit our Facebook page. Submit comment. Load more comments. Search Search.

The Space Mission Where No One Has

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