The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient -

The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient Video

Dr. R. Nagaswamy - Listen to Ancient Indian Leaders The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient.

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The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient

Government officials called it Banff after a district in Scotland, but the Assiniboine, Kootenays, Blackfoot and other Indigenous Peoples who were removed to create the park have their own names for the region—lands that supported their families and nourished their culture. Now, more than years later, Banff has a chance to tell a new story about the land.

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The time has come for this kind of dialogue. Indigenous Nations in Canada are preserving vast stretches of ancient forest and pristine waters. More partnerships between Indigenous and Canadians governments can help secure this recognition. Sunset in the Dehcho. Credit: Dahti Tsetso.

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Greater respect for Indigenous-led conservation will benefit all of us. It will help Canada meet pressing biodiversity and carbon targets. It will help Indigenous Nations express our right to determine our future as Peoples and the future of our lands.

The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient

And it will help everyone gain cleaner water, healthier forests and a more stable climate. Indigenous Peoples have been tending this continent for millennia. Canadian colonialism sought to disrupt our ties to the land by pushing Indigenous Peoples from our territories and sending generations to residential schools. But we are resilient. Our cultural responsibility to care for the land is stronger than the trauma of colonialism.

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And Indigenous nations embrace modern tools to protect the forests, watersheds and wildlife. Indigenous governments are Ot establish new national parks and conservation areas, from the Torngat Mountains in Labrador to the forthcoming Thaidene Nene in the Northwest Territories. Many Indigenous nations also identify protected areas during land use planning. All of the area Poplar River First Nation considers to be their traditional territory is protected by provincial law from major development, and the Dehcho First Nations in the NWT are finalizing one that will protect about 50 percent of their territory.

The Role Of Leaders In The Ancient

If Canada fully recognizes these and other Indigenous conservation efforts, it could become a true global conservation leader. Canada can meet these standards—but only by honoring Indigenous Protected Areas.]

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