The Process Of Growing Plants Without Soil -

The Process Of Growing Plants Without Soil The Process Of Growing Plants Without Soil

Volcanic eruptions and the ensuing sedimentation have been the source of trace and essential minerals in the soil for eons. Over time, without regular volcanic activity or replenishment, soils become depleted and plants are not able to acquire the nutrients they need.


Volcanic rocks, however, still hold these Plantw. Volcanic Rock Dust VRD is the end result of breaking them out of their rock bondage and presenting them in a readily available form. This particular volcanic rock dust contains Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Here as well as naturally occurring hydrophobic Fulvic Acid — a powerhouse when it comes to boosting nutrient acquisition from the soil.

The Process Of Growing Plants Without Soil

It is extracted from a tropical ecosystem in Indonesia using a mechanical, chemical-free process. After extraction, it is sifted through a mesh screen until it reaches Witnout smooth consistency. The resulting dust allows for easy application, after which the minerals will slowly release into the soil for long-term benefits.

Effects of Changing the Carbon Cycle

Gently dig into soil surface once per month or as desired. Top Dressing — Mix 1 tbsp. Environment: It can be used in gardens, raised beds, landscapes, houseplants and containers when growing vegetables, flowers, herbs and vines. It is also excellent for fruit-bearing and other types of trees, as well as shrubs. Avoid inhalation and eye contact.

The Process Of Growing Plants Without Soil

Use of dust mask and gardening gloves recommended. Wash hands thoroughly after use. Calcium 3.]

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