The Population Of Human Race -

The Population Of Human Race Video

racial population of earth from 1950-2100 - bar graph race The Population Of Human Race The Population Of Human Race

The growth of our human population will eventually end somehow, whether we want it or not. But how will it happen?

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We can stop growing deliberately, of our own accord. Or we can let circumstances beyond our control stop us under conditions much more distasteful than anything we could decide on our own. Overpopulation concerns click about the welfare of humanity and the health of the planet, our only support system.

The Population Of Human Race

The only sustainable population is one where the birth rate is a close match for the death rate, a situation that must persist for generations and generations. Clearly this is not what we have now.


For the sake of ourselves and our planet, recognition of the overpopulation problem, and identifying the best solutions to it, should be one of humanity's top priorities. No racism. This isn't your personal platform to espouse racist views tacitly via overpopulation. This actually hurts the goal of encouraging planetary sustainability—all of humanity is accountable.

The Population Of Human Race

Posts about eugenics, sterilisation, or abortion are banned. These are not sensible solutions to overpopulation, and only result in a propagation of extremist ideologies that do not benefit the goal of long-term sustainability. Be excellent to each other. No personal attacks, harassment, or vitriolic commentary. India visualcapitalist. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit.

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The Population Of Human Race

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