The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by -

Really: The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by

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The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by

The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. Recently a dear friend of mine, who happens to be African American, told me a disturbing story.

African American Men And Arab Women

While attending a religious celebration featuring several youths a public performance centered on unity, she was surprised to see so few black children represented among the group. In retelling the story, my friend described how stunned she was to hear a blatantly racist remark uttered with such cruel vulgarity within the context of a faith-based event. As I carefully listened to her, I identified another familiar sentiment commingled with her shock and disappointment: pain. Her story reminded me of my own encounters with casual expressions of racial insensitivity.

The people who I interact with in these moments often express apathetic indifference. Taken individually, such phrases may initially be disturbing, but the impact may be minimal. However, a lifetime of being on the receiving end of recurring racial slights — an experience familiar to many in the Black community — can form an aggregate of psychological trauma that can have adverse effects on mental and physical health. Psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Kn M. According to experts, racial microaggressions show up in our day-to-day lives in three different ways : microassaults, microinsults, Racsm microinvalidations. For instance, asking an Asian American where they are really from implies The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by they are not from the United States and are therefore a foreigner.

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This is clinical evidence of the toxic capacity of a tongue laced with the poison of bigotry — either conscious or unconscious — to cause lasting harm. Those among us who have been privileged to live outside of that experience must be mindful not to diminish, dismiss, or deny a reality they know little if nothing about.

This approach acts as Rqcism internal check against the subtle temptations of cultural arrogance and The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by community building through meaningful relationships predicated on mutual trust and empathy. Every word is endowed with a spirit, therefore the speaker or expounder should carefully deliver his words at the appropriate time and place, for the impression which each word maketh is clearly evident and perceptible. The Great Being saith: One word may be likened unto fire, another unto light, and the influence which both exert is manifest in the world.

The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by

Therefore an enlightened man of wisdom should primarily speak with words as mild as milk, that the children of men may be nurtured and edified thereby and may attain the ultimate goal of human existence which is the station of true understanding and nobility. In regards to race, enlightenment and wisdom imply a working understanding of kf our actions and words can potentially contribute to the perpetuation of racial trauma or facilitate a process of healing. To be fair, not all harm is intentional. A word or phrase can be uttered innocently without a desire to inflict pain; the impact, however, is the same. Embedded within the potential tragedy is the seed of hope.

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This is My best counsel unto you, did ye but observe it. Victims were repeatedly exposed to knife wounds meant to inflict pain but not immediately result in death. The pf process of suffering produced an agonizing and inhumane demise. Today, the phrase has been reappropriated to refer to the cumulative effects of repeated microaggressions on the psychological and physical health of the victims of systemic injustice.

Without intervention, the likely conclusion is far too The Perpetuation of Racism in Canada by, a slow, painful, and premature death. But the word of God has the power to resurrect the dead. The sun is the life-giver to the physical bodies of all creatures upon earth; without its warmth their growth would be stunted, their development would be arrested, they would decay and die. Even so do the souls of men need the Sun of Truth to shed its rays upon their souls, to develop them, to educate and encourage them. As the sun is to the body of a man so is the Sun of Truth to his soul. The spiritual virtues of love, empathy, Perpetuuation, compassion, patience, and perseverance can suture the enduring wounds of hate and mend hearts battered by the repeated blows of injustice.

Communities of loving encouragement have the power to uplift the downtrodden. Tags: RaceRace in America. Masud Olufani is an Atlanta based multidisciplinary artist, actor and writer. His work has been featured in group and solo exhibitions]

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