The Issue Of Texting And Driving -

Good: The Issue Of Texting And Driving

ROLE OF FINANCIAL MARKET AUTHORITY ON CORPORATE 5 days ago · The danger of texting and driving essay. Arthur Downer-November 14, 0. Popes November Reflections. Pope Francis-October 31, 0. No one saves himself in a pandemic%(). 16 hours ago · Dan Funk • Nov 11, Texting and Driving is illegal in Ohio. 2 days ago · A study from Wayne State University reveals how well experienced drivers deal with distractions like texting while driving. This article is brought to you by Britton Law.
Social Political And Cultural Realms Of Young 4 days ago · Because texting while driving is a summary offense, the penalty typically is a $50 fine. With court costs and some additional feeds, the final cost will be about $ However, if the driver texted while driving when your injuries occurred, he or she could be charged with reckless driving, charged a $ fine, 90 days in jail, and a possible. 16 hours ago · Dan Funk • Nov 11, Texting and Driving is illegal in Ohio. 5 days ago · The danger of texting and driving essay. Arthur Downer-November 14, 0. Popes November Reflections. Pope Francis-October 31, 0. No one saves himself in a pandemic%().
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The Issue Of Texting And Driving The Issue Of Texting And Driving

This is precisely the issue that has emerged in a texting while driving car accident case in New Jersey. The case involves a New Jersey couple who suffered severe injuries when their motorcycle was struck by a teenager Textinh was texting and driving. While it will be interesting to see how these legal issues gets decided in the courts, this case—yet again—highlights the tragedy of texting while driving cases.

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Overwhelmingly, as in the New Jersey case, the texting driver and his girlfriend was a teenager. When these accidents happen not only do they destroy the lives of the plaintiffs, but they also destroy the lives of the young teenagers involved. Some data from across the country tells us about the extent of this problem :. This information is simply too much to ignore, and as the tragic case out of New Jersey teaches us, ending texting while driving is an issue for which everyone has to take responsibility.

We need to teach our teenage drivers about the serious dangers of texting while driving. But more than that, we need to encourage our teenagers to help be responsible for each other and not put their friends in a position to make dangerous choices.

The Issue Of Texting And Driving

Craig Kelley Inserra Kelley Sewell. Some data from across the country tells us about the extent of this problem : The average age a person receives his first cell phone is now Text messaging accounts for the majority of distracted driving incidents and is now blamed for more than 6, driving fatalities per year.

According to NHTSA, eTxting who text while driving are 23 times more likely to have an accident than those who do not text. And a study from Virginia Tech found that, compared to drivers who are legally drunk, drivers who are texting are 6 times more likely to be involved in an accident.

The Issue Of Texting And Driving

Related to that, a Car and Driver Magazine report states that texting drivers have reaction times that are significantly lower than that of drunk drivers. Craig Kelley. Load More.

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