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The Improvised Explosive Device Ied

The Improvised Explosive Device Ied - think

Understanding the dangers of these materials and being able to identify the potential indicators of HME and IED manufacturing will help first responders recognize potential suspicious activities, ensure that they keep themselves and the public safe, and convey key information to local law enforcement or explosive disposal units. It highlights the availability of explosive precursors and shows how they can be turned into deadly explosives. It also presents an actual sanitized crime scene walk-through and original explosive video footage of various sizes of IEDs to demonstrate their destructive capability. Note: The video option is a high-level overview of the course material and is intended for those who are only looking for a quick overview. You do not need to view the video if your intention is to take the course as all the contents of the video are included in the course. When you have completed this course you will be able to: Recognize the key indicators of HME fabrication, including where the chemical precursors and supporting production equipment can be sourced Understand the principles of how IEDs are constructed and where the components can be sourced Understand the actions to be taken should you encounter a suspected bomb-making situation Note: The video option is a high-level overview of the course material and is intended for those who are only looking for a quick overview.

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The Improvised Explosive Device Ied

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