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The concept of sanctification is found in the Old Testament word kadhashand in the New Testament word, hagiazo. In its various cognates i.

Andrew Fuller Friday: On the Work of the Holy Spirit

Saint i. This certainly qualifies it as a major theme of the Bible. What does the word sanctify mean? The most basic meaning of sanctify is separation.

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In each of the thousand places The Holy Spirit As Conversion And Sanctification this term and its cognates appear in canonical Scriptures, the meaning of separation is either explicit or implicit, and in no instance is this meaning excluded. Below is a statement of the doctrine from the Nazarene Church manual:. We believe that entire sanctification is that act of God, Sanctiifcation to regeneration, by which believers are made free from original sin or depravity, and are brought into a state of entire devotement to God, unto the holy obedience of love made perfect. It is wrought by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and comprehends in one experience the cleansing of the heart from sin, the abiding and indwelling experience of the Holy Spirit, empowering the believer to life and service.

Another definitive statement of the doctrine is found in the first proposition of the Converssion Weaver Debate. Weaver affirmed:. The scriptures source that baptism with the Holy Ghost is for the sanctification of all Christians, the eradication of evil nature, or inborn sin, and is to continue throughout the gospel dispensation, or Christian age. History and Background of the Doctrine.

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Rooted in Calvinism. When John Calvin enunciated his five points of doctrine in the sixteenth century, he spawned a plethora of doctrinal offshoots that continues to affect millions of people.

The Holy Spirit As Conversion And Sanctification

Groups that Follow Wesleyan Doctrine. The Church of the Nazarene, which assumed its present form inis Annd Wesleyan in its theology, even more so than the liberal contemporary United Methodist Church. This includes Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, and Holiness groups. The resurgence of Pentecostalism i. Observations on the Doctrine and its Consequences.

The Holy Spirit As Conversion And Sanctification

According to the doctrine, one is first regenerated or converted, and later sanctified. The doctrine leaves such poor souls occupying the impossible roles of child of God and child of the devil at the same time.

Incapable of Service to Christ. The doctrine holds that when one is sanctified by Holy Spirit baptism, only then is he empowered to life and service. Thus between conversion and sanctification the child of God is a helpless, miserable, spiritual half-breed, incapable of spiritual life or of service to Christ.

False Sense of Spiritual Security. Such a position makes repentance, confession, and the need of forgiveness of sins logically Sanctificaation, if not impossible. What dangerous ground such a one occupies! Refuting Total Hereditary Depravity. To refute this basic fallacy will bring down the whole doctrinal system, as the destruction of a foundation will cause the house thereon to collapse. A fair test of any doctrine is its consequences. If the doctrine of total hereditary depravity is true, then it must follow that:.]

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