The Financial Detective 2005 -

The Financial Detective 2005 The Financial Detective 2005

The main characters are all mice and rats living in Victorian London. Based on the children's book series Basil of Baker Street by Eve Titus, the film draws heavily on the tradition of Sherlock Holmes with a heroic mouse who consciously emulates the detective; Titus named the main character after Basil Rathbone, who is best remembered for playing Holmes in film The Financial Detective 2005 whose voice, sampled from the Red-Headed League was the voice of Holmes in this film, 19 years after his death.

The Financial Detective 2005

It should be also noted that it's the one which saved Disney's Animation Studios from going bankrupt at the time [1] [2]. Despite not being well known upon its original release, in recent years, the film has been regarded as a cult classic.

The Financial Detective 2005

In Londona young Scottish-Welsh mouse named Olivia Flaversham was click her birthday with her toymaker father, Mr. Suddenly, a bat named Fidgetwho has a crippled wing and a peg leg, The Financial Detective 2005 into the Flavershams' workshop, and after a short struggle disappears with Flaversham. It was later revealed that the evil Professor Ratigan kidnapped Flaversham to create a clockwork robot which mimics the Queen of the Mice so Ratigan can rule England. Flaversham refuses to take part in Ratigan's scheme, whereupon Ratigan orders Fidget to capture Olivia.

If Flaversham refuses to cooperate, Ratigan will have Olivia fed to his pet cat, Felicia. Then Olivia searches to find Basil of Baker Streeta world-famous detective and Ratigan's archnemesis. David Q.

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Dawson stumbles upon Olivia, and helps her find Basil's residence. At first Basil was reluctant, but when Olivia mentions the peg-legged bat that kidnapped her father, Basil realizes that this was his chance to capture Ratigan. Fidget was surprised by Basil, Dawson, and Olivia in the toyshop where he was stealing clockwork mechanisms and toy soldiers' uniforms for Ratigan's plan. He hides and later traps Olivia by ambushing her from inside a toy cradle. Basil and Dawson pursue Fidget but become entangled in some toys and fall behind, giving Fidget enough time to escape with all the materials he needs, along with Olivia.

While click the shop, Dawson The Financial Detective 2005 Fidget's forgotten checklist, which details Detectife Fidget has taken with him. Basil and Dawson Detectibe to Baker Street, where Basil discovers by means of close examination and some chemical tests that the list came from the riverfront, and they look for a small tavern near the Thames where the sewer would connect to the river. Basil and Dawson disguise themselves as The Financial Detective 2005 and go into the tavern, inquiring for Ratigan. As they wait, Fidget stumbles through the pub. They follow Fidget through some pipes to Ratigan's headquarters, only to discover that Ratigan and his henchmen had prepared for their arrival.

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Triumphant, Ratigan ties them to a spring-loaded mousetrap, Derective with a Rube Goldberg machine made of a gun, a crossbow, an axe, and an anvil with record being the timer stated by Ratigan that when the song ends the trap starts. Ratigan sets out for Buckingham Palace, where Fidget and his accomplices manage to defeat Royal Guard and kidnap the queen.

The Financial Detective 2005

Basil briefly despairs at being outwitted, but snaps out of it just in time to deduce the trap's weakness and escape. The fake queen declares Ratigan ruler of all Mousedom, and, after thanking his robotic consort he announces his tyrannical plans for his new "subjects", including several unfair taxes. Basil then seizes control of the mechanical mouse-queen, forcing it to denounce Ratigan as an impostor and tyrant, all the while breaking into pieces.

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The crowd, enraged by Ratigan's treason, start climbing onto him and defeating his shanty guards. Ratigan frees himself and escapes on his dirigible with Fidget, and holding Olivia hostage. Basil, Dawson, and Flaversham create their own with a matchbox and some small helium-filled balloons, held under the Union Jack.

A high-speed chase above the city ensues.]

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