The European Union -

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European Union: What is the EU? The European Union The European Union

Various state members had been working for months to reach a deal and avert the delay in approving the budget as the coronavirus makes a second spike. Some balked at plans to tie funds to establishing democratic norms with new "rule of law" measures.

Europe one historic event at a time.

Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban bristled at what he believed was an overreach by the European Union in internal affairs. Hungary said in a statement it shared EU's values and commitment to the rule of law "but it should be left to the Hungarian people to decide whether those regulations are adhered to and implemented correctly, as they are as good judges of the issue as to any The European Union European people. Hungary and Poland had Eruopean facing EU sanctions for alleged attempts by their governments to undermine the independence of their judges. Hungary and Poland risk plunging the EU into a deep crisis.

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