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The Driving Force Of Religion

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The Driving Force Of Religion

The Driving Force Of Religion Video


2020 election

The landmark order accomplished a number of necessary objectives in prioritizing international religious freedom in foreign policy objectives. The executive order is a much celebrated step in the right direction towards securing this fundamental freedom as a foreign policy priority.

Beyond that, the order itself was a timely decision point for the administration as nearly all activists, relevant NGOs and other governmental entities tend to agree on the concerning levels of increasing religious persecution around the world. This persecution is a driving point for the growing need of humanitarian aid on a global scale.

The Driving Force Of Religion

Across the world, religious minorities are facing ever Tye hardship because of their chosen religious identity. Nigeria, for example, has witnessed the ongoing massacre of Christians in the Middle Belt region of the country. Militant extremist members of the Fulani, a predominantly Muslim ethic group, have devastated the region with egregious violence and continue to operate with near complete impunity. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and his administration regularly ignore the violence and fails to provide necessary security to the areas that are most affected by the targeted attacks. Tens of thousands of Christians have been displaced in the region and are in need of significant aid and assistance. While the conflict is not solely based The Driving Force Of Religion religious lines, ignoring the religious themes of the conflict produces a significant lack of understanding to the true reality of the conflict.

The Driving Force Of Religion

While the lack of resources caused by open grazing from Fulani herders certainly contributes to the tension, the Flsa 6 remains that the predominantly Christian farmers bear by far the brunt of the violent attacks. In the Middle East, historically Christian communities have been decimated. From an estimated population of 15 million Christians in Iraq and Syria at their peak, only an estimatedremain in the region. Most have been killed, murdered or forced to flee as refugees to surrounding areas. The devastation of The Driving Force Of Religion communities is undeniable and has created immense humanitarian need in the form of economic development, education, societal redevelopment and a number of other areas.

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The targeting of religious minorities, especially Christians, was a pronounced agenda of the Muslim extremist group ISIS that sought to eliminate the Drivving region from all targeted religious minorities and even fellow Muslims. In Pakistan, religious minorities like Christians and Hindus as well as several other groups, live in extreme abject poverty with little to no hope for a prosperous future. Christians are limited to dangerous and extremely undercompensated sanitation work. Workplace discrimination of Christians is rampant.

The Driving Force Of Religion

While much of the persecution faced by these minority groups is deeply religiously driven, much of it is a derivative of now supposedly outdate caste system.]

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