The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe -

The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe Video

The Puzzling Case of Marilyn and Sam Sheppard The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe

The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe - history!

Pope John Paul I died suddenly in September , 33 days after his election. Following contradictory reports about the circumstances of his death and apparent anomalies about the issuing of the death certificate and other procedures, several conspiracy theories have gained currency. Many of these concern the serious corruption in the Vatican Bank Istituto per le Opere Religiose , possibly linked to Freemasonry , which is forbidden by church law. None of the claims has been substantiated. Discrepancies in the Vatican's account of the events surrounding Pope John Paul I 's death — its inaccurate statements about who found the body; [1] what he had been reading; when, where, and whether an autopsy could be carried out [1] [2] — produced a number of conspiracy theories , many associated with the Vatican Bank , which owned many shares in Banco Ambrosiano. David Yallop 's book In God's Name proposed the theory that the pope had been in "potential danger" because of corruption in the Vatican Bank known officially as the Institute for Works of Religion or Istituto per le Opere di Religione , the Vatican's most powerful financial institution [6] which owned many shares in Banco Ambrosiano. The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe

But that doesn't do it to me when the coincidences are too much and to parallel to each other.

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Besides my own experiences this time, I wish to provide an example. I was reading over the Marilyb of both President Lincoln and Kennedy. I don't know if anyone has ever heard of them before, but they're pretty weird to think that their even coincidences. Take a look:. When you read something like this, what does it say to you?

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Isn't it weird how all of this could happen? Very interesting indeed, I have a remote recall of hearing this before, it is so far back in my memory, that I would not have remembered it, had you not brought it to my attention Thank You.

This is rather unusual, and goes to show, that there is a systematic, sequential order Monroee certain events, beyond our ordinary way of thinking here.

The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe

I think that events like these should be examined with more scrutiny. I would not doubt in the least that events like these would lead us to Casd trail of clues directly linked to secret organizations like "Freemasons" "Bilderbergers" or other secret orders as such, some of which have been around since the ancient "Nights of the Templers" during King Solomon's regime. Would not the list of dis-simularities be much longer? Lets say that the list of dis-simularities is always infinite. You could use a ratio of simularities over infinity to come up with a gee-wizz number to measure the intensity of coincidence.

Marilyn Monroe Essay

If dis-simularities are less than infinite, say in a more simple situation like two Mountain Dew cans showing up at the same time for no good reason Any math freaks out there care to bite? Activist, I too heard that someplace a long time ago and had forgotten it. Glad to see you back, Pamela and I were worried about you. You ole rattlesnake! Well, all of the date-related coincidences are just artifacts of our number system.

The Curious Case Of Marilyn Monroe

If we had four digits on each hand, we'd find separations of 64 years weirdly coincidental. It doesn't really mean anything; the two men lived about years apart, so they were bound to have some line-ups in that area. As for the rest, I'm sure you could find a list like that for any two people.]

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