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The Church Of Christ

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Angels We Have Heard on High - Celebrating the Light of the World

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The United Church of Christ UCC is a Chyrch Protestant Christian denomination based in the United States, with historical confessional roots in the CongregationalReformedand Lutheran traditions, and with approximately 4, churches andmembers. These two denominations, which were themselves the result of earlier unions, had their roots in Congregational, Lutheran, Evangelical, and Reformed denominations.

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At the end ofthe UCC's 5, congregations claimedmembers, primarily in the U. The UCC maintains full communion with other mainline Protestant denominations. Many of its congregations choose to practice open communion. However, United Church of Christ congregations are independent in matters of doctrine and ministry and may not necessarily support the national body's theological or moral stances. It self-describes as "an extremely pluralistic and diverse denomination". There is no UCC hierarchy or body that can impose any doctrine or worship format onto the individual congregations within the UCC. Within this locally focused structure, however, there are central beliefs common to the UCC. The word evangelical in this case more closely corresponds with the original Lutheran origins meaning "of the gospel" as opposed to the Evangelical use of the word.

UCC is generally theologically liberaland the denomination notes that the "Bible, though written in specific historical times and placesstill speaks to us in our present condition". The denomination's official literature uses broad doctrinal parameters, emphasizing freedom of The Church Of Christ conscience and local church autonomy. In the United Church of Christ, creedsconfessions, and affirmations of faith function as "testimonies of faith" around which the church gathers rather than as "tests of faith" rigidly prescribing required doctrinal consent.

As expressed in the United Church of Christ constitution:. Chfist acknowledges as kindred in Christ all who share Chufch this confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence Chgist power of The Church Of Christ Holy Spirit, visit web page prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world.

It claims as its own the faith of the historic Church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in Churhc basic insights of the Protestant Reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression, and in purity of heart before God.

In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord's Supper The Church Of Christ Holy Communion.

The Church Of Christ

The denomination, therefore, looks to a number of historic confessions as expressing the common faith around which the church gathers, including:. Among the results of this were findings that in the UCC, 5.

Those results suggested a nearly equal balance between liberal and Chrisf congregations. Other statistics found by the Hartford Institute show that David Roozen, director of the Hartford Institute for Religion Research who has studied the United Church of Christ, said surveys show the national church's pronouncements are often more liberal than the views in the pews but that its governing structure is set up to allow such disagreements. They were also to suggest the meaning that they thought their entire church emphasized. Baptism as an "entry into The Church Of Christ Church Universal" was the most frequent response. Clergy and laity were invited to identify two meanings of Holy Communion that they emphasize. While clergy emphasized Holy Communion as The Church Of Christ meal in which we encounter God's living presence", laity emphasized "a remembrance of Jesus' last supper, The Church Of Christ, and resurrection".

One of the UCC's central beliefs is that it is "called to be a united and uniting church". In the World Council of Churches published "Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry", [24] a document that has served as a foundation for many ecumenical recognition agreements. As a WCC member church, the United Church of Christ issued a response as part of the process to work toward a statement of common theological perspectives. On October 17,representatives of the United Church of Christ and the United Cyrist of Canada came together in CChurch Falls, Ontario to sign an historic full communion agreement. This agreement had been approved at the 30th General Synod of the UCC and the 42nd General Council of the United Church of Canada in the summer of and signifies the mutual desire of both denominations to work in cooperation and openness in the areas of worship, mission, witness, ministry and the proclamation of a common faith.

The Church Of Christ

This agreement will allow the two denominations to recognize the validity of each other's sacraments and ordination of ministers and opens up the possibility of ministers being called to serve in congregations of either denomination. The United Church of Christ facilitates bilateral dialogues with many faith groups, including members of the Jewish and Muslim communities. This includes membership in the National Muslim-Christian Initiative. Each "setting" of the United Church of Christ relates covenantally with other settings, their actions speaking "to but not for" The Church Of Christ other.

The ethos of United Church of Christ organization is considered " covenantal ". The structure of UCC organization is a mixture of the congregational and presbyterian polities of its predecessor denominations. With ultimate authority given to the local church, many see Click Church of Christ polity as closer to congregationalism; however, with ordination and pastoral oversight of licensed, commissioned and ordained ministers conducted by Associations, The Church Of Christ General Synod representation given to Conferences instead of Tje delegates, certain similarities to presbyterian polity are also visible.]

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