The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie -

The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie

The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie Video

Bessie Smith - The Best Of Vol 1 (Full Album / Album complet)

The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie - consider, that

Nicknamed the " Empress of the Blues ", she was the most popular female blues singer of the s and s. She is often regarded as one of the greatest singers of her era and was a major influence on fellow blues singers, as well as jazz vocalists. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee , her parents died when Smith was young, and she and her siblings survived by performing on street corners. She began touring and performed in a group that included Ma Rainey , and then went out on her own. Her successful recording career with Columbia Records began in the s, but her performing career was cut short by a car crash that killed her at age The census indicates that her family reported that Bessie Smith was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee , in July The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie.

Cole J. Blige Mary J.

The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie

Bessie Smith: 'Empress of the Blues'. Life of Bessie Smith.

Bessie Smith Essay

At a young age, Bessie Smith started to sing and signed a contract with Columbia Records in She and her husband Gee split permanently inand Smith had stopped working with Columbia completely by the end of Smith, however, as a devoted singer, adapted her range and continued to tour. Inproducer John Hammond contacted Smitth to make new records, which pointed to the coming Swing Era.

The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie

Smith was en route to a Bwssie in Memphis, Tennessee, on September 26,with her longtime friend, Richard Morgan, when he sidetracked a truck and lost control of their vehicle. Smith was thrown out of the car and seriously wounded. She died in a hospital in Clarkdale, Mississippi, from her wounds. She was forty-three.

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Legacy and Accomplishments. For several female vocalists, including Billie Holliday, Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin, she was a key influence and has been immortalized in various works. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.]

The Blues By Bessie Smith And Billie

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