The Abuse of Psycho Stimulants on College -

The Abuse of Psycho Stimulants on College The Abuse of Psycho Stimulants on College

Which of the following behaviors is least suspicious oCllege an adolescent who is being bullied at school? Michael is a year-old boy who was involved in a traumatic automobile accident in which his mother, the driver, was killed. After suffering multiple injuries and weeks in the hospital, Michael pn discharged to home with physical therapy. He ultimately made a complete physical recovery but The Abuse of Psycho Stimulants on College unable to get into a car. Just the thought of riding in a car produces profound physiologic symptoms. He has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD.

His avoidance of riding in a car is conceptualized as:. Which of the following is a true statement with respect to developmental testing in infants? The police were called when a neighbor saw Wendy jump out of the open window of her first-floor apartment. She was unhurt, but when the neighbor asked why she jumped out she said she wanted to kill herself. Which coincident finding would warrant an inpatient psychiatric admission for Wendy? Caleb is a year-old boy who is referred for assessment because he is not following any of the rules of discipline at home.

His parents report that they have had three separate nannies resign in the last 4 months because Caleb is unmanageable. This is a long-standing problem, going back to daycare even before kindergarten.

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Treatment of abused children is multimodal and long term. The single most important aspect of treatment is:. Psychiatric assessment of the adolescent patient is different in several ways from assessment of younger children. While trying to establish a therapeutic environment with an adolescent who is openly hostile, one of the most important things the PMHNP can do is to:.

A variety of questionnaires, scales, guided-interview tools, and other standardized instruments are available to aid with various aspects of assessment.


The majority are intended only to be used as an aid to information gathering and not to make a diagnosis. Which of the following tools requires training to administer and can be used to determine diagnoses? The PMHNP is drafting a proposal for research funding for a project to offer primary prevention strategies designed to reduce the incidence of bullying.

In support of this project, the PMHNP provides data supporting the fact that both perpetrators and victims of bullying suffer all of the following except:. Which of the following manifestations of childhood anxiety disorders is considered a psychiatric emergency? The mother was referred by the pediatrician because Julie has been demonstrating an appreciable change in her behavior.

The Abuse of Psycho Stimulants on College

She is developmentally on target and has always been a happy and curious child, but for the last few months she seems to be much more fearful and anxious. Which of the following recently acquired behaviors described by the mother is most suspicious for sexual abuse? What is the primary diagnostic difference between obsessive-compulsive disorders in children as compared to adults? Kelly is a year-old girl who is being evaluated because her parents are very concerned about her sudden disinterest 1984 and school. She does not want to go to any social activities and her grades have dropped markedly in the last several months.

The Abuse of Psycho Stimulants on College

When considering bullying as a cause of her behavior change, the PMHP considers that which type of bullying is more common among girls? Karen is a 7-year-old girl who has been started on atomoxetine 18 mg daily for ADHD, which is just under the recommended starting dose of 0. A careful review reveals that Karen is taking her medication just as prescribed. She is not on any other prescribed, over-the-counter, or herbal medications.]

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