Summary Of Dead Aid Video
Dr. Dambisa Moyo: Dead Aid. Summary Of Dead Aid.This page contains a dynamic collection of propagation information gathered from many different sources.
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This data is extremely useful for ham radio operators and shortwave listeners to help determine whether or not long distance radio communications are possible. ACE satellite solar wind data has Summmary intermittent. No significant active region flare activity is forecast. No significant transient or recurrent solar wind features are forecast.

No major flare activity to report. Auroral Activity. Aurora also known as "aurora borealis" or "northern lights" is caused by interaction between the Earth's magnetic field and the solar wind a mix of charged particles blowing away from the sun. During storms, enough of these charged particles make it through to the Earth's Daed atmosphere that they interact with the earths natural magnetic field lines.
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When enough of these particles collide, energy is released in the form of auroral light. In addition to creating a pretty light show mostly in upper latitudesham radio signals scatter off of these particles and can greatly enhance propagation on the VHF and UHF ham radio bands. High levels of aurora can also make HF ham radio propagation via polar routes difficult.

Solar X-ray Flux. The measurements shown in red are used to issue alerts when X-ray flux levels exceed certain levels.

Spikes on the chart correspond to solar Deda. Flares are considered "significant" when flux levels rise above the "M" level as shown on the right side of the chart. These large flares can often wipe out the ham radio and shortwave bands almost immediately and it can take minutes to hours for the bands to recover. Https:// the ham radio bands seem to go dead all of a sudden, it is always a good idea to check this chart to see if a large flare has occurred recently.]
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