Sexual Misconduct And Child Sexual Abuse -

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The lawsuit filed in alleged Cook County jail authorities and the public defender's office did not do enough to stop male detainees from exposing themselves, masturbating and threatening attorneys in courtroom lockups and the jail. The lawsuit contended attempts by Sheriff Tom Dart and Public Defender Amy Campanelli to curb the misconduct were either ineffective or short-lived.

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It claimed that at one point the sheriff rewarded detainees with a pizza for going 30 days without exposing or touching themselves sexually. Both Dart and Campanelli have denied the allegations, saying in court filings they took appropriate steps to Sexhal inmates from exposing themselves.

The lawsuit claimed assistant public defenders were easy targets of misbehaving detainees because they confer with their indigent clients while they're being held in crowded lockups behind courtrooms in Chicago and its suburbs.

Sexual Misconduct And Child Sexual Abuse

During conferences, other detainees routinely exposed or touched themselves, often while making threats in front of female attorneys, the lawsuit alleged. The lawsuit alleged the problem is so pervasive one of the female assistant public defenders who brought the lawsuit expressed the belief "most if not all" of the estimated women who work as attorneys or interns in the office had experienced such abuse.

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Sexual Misconduct And Child Sexual Abuse

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Sexual Misconduct And Child Sexual Abuse

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