Research Methods in Health and Social Care -

Research Methods in Health and Social Care Video

Qualitative Research for Public Health and Clinical Investigation

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Refworks Account Login. Open Collections. UBC Theses and Dissertations. Featured Collection. This study examines how maternity care and birth are socially organized in Amuru sub-county, northern Uganda, a rural setting recovering from two decades of conflict. Research Methods in Health and Social Care Research Methods in Health and Social Care

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A care approach that addresses these transnational ties may foster a positive identity and give coherence to experiences. We conducted an integrative review to determine what is known about transnational ties and the care of migrant families during pregnancy, postpartum and Methoxs childhood. We searched 15 databases to identify literature reporting on a health or social program, service, or care experience of migrant families during Research Methods in Health and Social Care up to age five in a Western country i. Over 34, records were screened; 69 articles were included. Care, programs and services examined included prenatal interventions a mhealth app, courses, videos, and specialized antenatal caredoula support, maternity care, support groups, primary healthcare and psycho-social early Researhc and early childhood programs.

Continued efforts are needed to ensure care is culturally safe for migrants. Peer Review reports. Having and raising children can be challenging, particularly during Research Methods in Health and Social Care check this out a new country [ 1 ].

Migrant parents e. Many families must also adjust to shifting family relationships associated with changes in the family structure and gender dynamics [ 2345 ] and cope with the loss of social networks, discrimination and navigating new health and social systems [ 23678910 ]. Many migrant families continue to support family via sending remittances and this may affect them financially [ 213141516 ].

UBC Theses and Dissertations

A number of families also parent children and care for elderly family members from a distance and this too may cause financial strain as well as psychological distress [ 315171819 ]. Staying connected to family and friends back home may enhance feelings of isolation and loneliness and hinder cultural adaptation, while use of health services back home may have an effect on continuity of care [ 202122 ].

Conversely, Cade ties can serve as this web page resource for migrant families. Connecting and visiting the home country can help maintain language and to pass on traditions to link and serve as a source of support for parenting [ 151623242526 ]. Bilingualism may contribute to social and economic capital; maintaining culture can promote family closeness and well-being and help resist oppression [ 572427 ]. Migrants may rely on advice from family members for staying healthy during pregnancy and postpartum, for parenting e.

Continued engagement civically and politically may also function as a coping strategy to deal with cultural and Hewlth losses associated with migration [ 730 ]. In the health field there is Researcch growing interest in transnationalism and its relevance to health and care [ 3536 ]. Research Methods in Health and Social Care this period families may interact with a range of Research Methods in Health and Social Care e. Some may be involved in specialized programs which aim specifically to support Methors vulnerable families, particularly in the context of adapting to a new culture and language [ 31 ].

General care as well as specialized programs may offer services to enhance parenting skills, foster child development, promote a healthy lifestyle, and provide social connection for families experiencing isolation [ 3139404142 ]. We conducted an integrative review [ 43 ]. This type of review allows for the inclusion of diverse literature research and discussion papers. We searched broadly to identify papers that described either the care-giving experiences of health or social care professionals or the care-receiving experiences of migrant families during pregnancy, postpartum or early childhood in Western countries.

Research Methods in Health and Social Care

We selected the databases and developed the search strategy in consultation with a university librarian. Terms were adjusted according to the vocabulary used in each database. Keywords were searched within titles, abstracts, and keywords of articles.]

Research Methods in Health and Social Care

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