Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders -

Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders - very valuable

Year Homicides Wounded 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, Previous year data is reflective of the year-to-date total through the end of November. Year Killed Wounded 6 11 6 6 6 15 11 12 11 14 9 16 17 28 13 30 8 49 23 37 13 33 19 42 POs 0 10 stats account for CPD incidents only. On-duty as well as off-duty LEOs are included. Historical data pulled from the Civilian Office of Police Accountability. A positive test result is not the same as a case and does not necessarily mean illness or hospitalization, it simply means an infection was detected. Warning: some of the images found within the Gallery may be graphic. View full Gallery. Currently, If Instagram is your thing, give us a follow and help us achieve our dream of hawking cute tops, shoes and handbags from Walmart as the next fashion and lifestyle influencer.

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For Mothers/Men Against Senseless Killings, Chicago's violence strikes close to home Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders

The deputy mayor of Venice, Gianfranco Bettin, hopped across the lagoon one evening last month to have dinner with his parents in the industrial suburb of Marghera. The meal finished early, and shortly after 8. Suddenly, a young thug jumped up from the back seat, grabbed him by the neck and put a pistol to his temple.

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Mr Bettin drove to a remote wasteland, Relatee he was ordered to stop and throw the car keys out of the window. A large black car pulled up behind. With source, he pulled the trigger. For a second Mr Bettin thought he was dead, but in fact all he heard was a light click.

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He was terrified, but still alive. The thug snarled: "Next time the gun will be loaded.

Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders

click It could have been a scene from an American gangster movie. In Venice, it seemed utterly out of place. This is the miraculous lagoon city, the ultimate symbol of civilisation, a tourist mecca and capital of one of Italy's most prosperous regions; in Venice people aren't supposed to do things like that.

And yet, as much of Italy has been shocked to learn, they do.

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La Serenissima may be a go here of Crme civilisation, but in the past few years it has also become an outpost of frenetic, and lucrative, Mafia activity. Money-laundering, drugs trafficking and Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders arms dealing are booming in the Venice region, and with them extortion, armed robbery, kidnapping and murder.

Many rackets are in the hands of local gangs, but as prosecutors and politicians such as Deputy Mayor Bettin have discovered, the traditional Mafias of Sicily, Calabria and Naples are muscling in, too. In the weeks leading up to his mock execution, Mr Bettin had been hot on the heels of a Neapolitan Mafia convict called Crescenzo Napolitano, who had taken full advantage of being assigned to live in Marghera - a sort of internal exile ordered by the courts - by plugging into the Venetian organised crime circuit and terrorising the community.

Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders

The Sicilians Murdera active in laundering money via casinos both in the Venice area and across the border in Slovenia. The Calabrians have established a network of hotels, restaurants and other tourist money-spinners - again, in the interests of recycling the illegal gains of drugs, arms and other major international rackets.

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Take a gondola ride in Venice and you may be contributing directly to a Mafia money-laundering operation. Take up the gondolier's recommendation of a cosy restaurant and you may be helping the criminals further. Go to the municipal casino on the Grand Canal, and the chances are that your cashier will be a placeman for the Mob.

Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders

It's not that the authorities are refusing to do anything about this; they are unable to keep up with it. No sooner is one batch of crooked casino cashiers arrested than another takes its place. Hotels and pizzerias, according to a report by the anti- Mafia investigator Giovanni Verdicchio, change owners "at an alarmingly high rate". There are two reasons why the Venice region has become so attractive to organised crime. The first is the economic boom which began in the s and has turned the area into one of the richest in Europe. Not only can the Mob count on a check this out of the construction industry, muscle in on tourism, establish a lucrative prostitution racket and sell drugs to the children of the affluent middle classes, but it can also use the region's businesses and financial institutions to launder its gains from international narcotics and arms trade.

According to General Organized Crime Related Deaths Murders, the Mafia runs some 8, finance companies in the region, in Venice.]

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