Nstp Handouts - amazonia.fiocruz.br

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Despite the increased number of programmes, the share of government's spending on subsidies and social assistance has moderated — from In absolute values, the allocation for subsidies and social assistance in had been revised lower from the originally-estimated RM For year , the projected allocation has been set even lower at RM This still remains low by international standards according to the World Bank — 1. Given that social assistance is viewed as part of social protection, there is a need to pay particular attention to this matter as the current twin crisis and its immense impact have cost many livelihoods especially those in the low-income brackets and vulnerable groups. This dire situation can be supported by EMIR Research's 3Q20 poll findings which reveal that losing jobs and inadequate incomes are some of rakyat's main concerns since Covid happened — 85 and 80 per cent agreed accordingly. What's more worrying, respondents coming from households earning below RM1, — below poverty line income — accounts for the biggest share 41 per cent , higher than expected. Thus, this can also help explain the notable level of worries related to the effect of the pandemic. Nstp Handouts Nstp Handouts

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