Nestle s A Swiss Company -

Nestle s A Swiss Company Video

Nestlé Headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland - Nestlé B-roll Nestle s A Swiss Company

Cassidy JohncoxWeb Producer.

Nestle s A Swiss Company

The company stands to make a potential profit of hundreds of millions of dollars each year from the water pumped out of Michigan. Environmentalists argue that damage has been caused by Nestle pumping water out in order to bottle it at their pumping site near Evart, Michigan. Residents have also shown outrage over the company taking Michigan water almost for free and turning it into a huge profit. Inresidents told Local 4 that the creek was thriving a few years ago, but things have changed because of the water Nestle is pumping out.

Nestle s A Swiss Company

The company previously said it had done extensive testing and saw no signs of damage or danger to the environment. The water is trucked to an Ice Mountain production facility in Mecosta County.

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Nestle pulls water from other wells in the area. She did not pursue legal action at that Nestle s A Swiss Company, saying the company is operating lawfully in Michigan as the law stands. Nessel did show interest in pursuing changes to state policy to prevent it from happening again in the future, however. EGLE proposed a similar course of action on Friday while announcing their dismissal of the case.

Proposals such as these are both unscientific and discriminatory, in that they not only target a renewable resource, they focus on only one particular water-using industry in the state.

Company pumps 1.1M gallons of Michigan water per day, pays only $200 per year

According to an economic impact study we conducted inour company directly employs approximately employees in the state. About the Author:. Cassidy Johncox email.]

Nestle s A Swiss Company

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