Napoleon And The French Revolution -

Napoleon And The French Revolution

Napoleon And The French Revolution - recommend

He revolutionized military organization and training; sponsored the Napoleonic Code , the prototype of later civil-law codes; reorganized education; and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy. Today Napoleon is widely considered one of the greatest military generals in history. The coup resulted in the replacement of the extant governing body—a five-member Directory —by a three-person Consulate. The first consul, Napoleon, had all the real power; the other two consuls were figureheads. Napoleon served as first consul of France from to In that time, Napoleon reformed the French educational system, developed a civil code the Napoleonic Code , and negotiated the Concordat of He also initiated the Napoleonic Wars c. As Emperor Napoleon I, he modernized the French military.

Napoleon And The French Revolution - what here

First Coalition French victory :. Second Coalition French victory :. Holy Roman Empire [a]. Great Britain [c] Ireland [d] United Kingdom [e]. Russia Counter-revolutionaries. Southern Netherlands peasants Peasants' War. Saint-Domingue rebels Haitian Revolution — Kingdom of France until [i] French Republic from Spain — [l]. Napoleon And The French Revolution.

Ordinary people in Paris couldn't afford culottes short trousers made of silkso they were known as. The leader of the Jacobins who became dictator of France during the Reign of Terror and ordered execution of around 40, individuals.

The Jacobin years

After the French Revolution, there was almost constant war between France and European monarchies for After the return from exile, Napoleon's army was defeated by the Britain and Prussia at the Battle of This made the law the same in all of France. It gave all men the sane rights. But did not benefit women.

Economic reforms- established the bank of France, Roads bridges and canals were repaired, loans were given to industries, provided cheap bread, made the tax system fairer.

Napoleon And The French Revolution

Religious reforms- agreement with Catholic Church giving it a special status, but no political power, freedom of religion. Napoleon was forced into exile on the island of Questions Responses. French Revolution.

Early life and education

Napoleon's Rise to Power. Napoleon's rise and fall. Napoleon's Downfall. A device used during the French Revolution, to execute people by cutting off their heads.

Napoleon And The French Revolution

Napoleon invaded this powerful country withmen and left with about 10, On 22 September King Louis xvi was guillotined on 21 January Napoleon was exiled to To send someone away from one's home or country and forbid that person from returning. The National Assembly was lead by Name one economic reform and also one religious reform introduced by Napoleon.]

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