Myths And Myths Of The Greek World Video
The Beginning and Creation of Greek Mythology - Mythology ExplainedMyths And Myths Of The Greek World - not
Greek mythology describes three floods, the flood of Ogyges , the flood of Deucalion , and the flood of Dardanus. In addition to these floods, Greek mythology says the world was also periodically destroyed by fire. The Ogygian flood is so called because it occurred in the time of Ogyges , [2] a mythical king of Attica. The name Ogyges and Ogygian is synonymous with "primeval", "primal" and "earliest dawn". Others say he was the founder and king of Thebes. In many traditions the Ogygian flood is said to have covered the whole world and was so devastating that Attica remained without kings until the reign of Cecrops. Plato in his Laws , Book III, [4] argues that this flood had occurred ten thousand years [5] before his time, as opposed to only "one or two thousand years that have elapsed" since the discovery of music, and other inventions. Also in Timaeus 22 and in Critias he describes the "great deluge of all" as having been preceded by 9, years of history before the time of Solon , during the 10th millennium BCE. In addition, the texts report that "many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years" since Athens and Atlantis were preeminent.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Myths And Myths Of The Greek World](
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Grades 3-8
Not the Hollywood stars, but the celestial elements that fill the night sky and truly fascinate. Vasilakakos is a great fan of night photography and the starry sky. His work can be found in photography magazines but Myths And Myths Of The Greek World on Youtube, where he hosts fantastic videos of his work. The photographer has collaborated with the Thessaloniki Planetarium and has reached the Himalayas to photograph the galaxy from the North side of Mount Everest.
However, what he wanted to do the most for years was to sleep on the top of the mountain of the gods, the peak of Mount Olympusa place full of gods and legends in Ancient Greece. Today the peak of the mountain of the gods is called Mytikas. It is the highest mountain peak in Greece, measuring 2, meters. The winter snow stays there for most of the year. Read the story of his experience as he posted it on Facebook:. I will tell you an eerie story … It took 5 years, 3 failed nights at the top of Olympus and a big gap to get this photo here. In I slept at this point under a pattern of clouds and lightning.
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In in the same landscape I cuddled with clouds and humidity. In fact, I had uploaded a photo from the same place in the clouds where you could not see anything …. From until last year,I had not been to Olympus again. I went through my own hardships, periods of despair with big doses of nihilism. My mind was stuck on this diamond sky that I never photographed. During these years I learned from my mistakes, I looked for ways to fight the humidity on the mountains and upgrade my equipment. At the same time, my knowledge of mountaineering has improved considerably. So, on this occasion, I returned in September to the Plateau of the Muses. I had to finish some pending issues with the gods….
Alone, as always. The climb was a pure pleasure.

On the other hand, when I reached the top it was cloudy and foggy. But now something had changed inside me. In the past I had approached the top Greej had a plan to photograph the night sky. Having experienced eerie and unique things on mountaintops, this obsession has gone.
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Now I climb to the top because only then do I Wprld the courage to continue to live in click human prison of mine. It had been very dark when I found myself in a cloud of fog with minimal visibility. No stars or magic, nothing … Just a cloud on top.

Having eaten dinner I lay down in my sleeping bag to be warm. The temperature was close to 3 to 4 degrees. There were very few spots of clear sky….]
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I think, that anything serious.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, there is other way of the decision of a question.