My Mother Monologue -

My Mother Monologue My Mother Monologue

Looking for a monologue that grapples with conflict in family matters? These monologues feature characters frustrated at their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters.

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They finally attempting to break free from their family ties. Whether these characters are in broken homes, plagued with divorce, abuse, or misinterpreting kind acts as acts of embarrassment, these characters all have one thing in common—their own family issues. Mothfr a new age nurse arrives and proposes the hope of a renewed life at a distant artists colony, My Mother Monologue man must choose between his doomed if comfortable Gothic history and a bohemian precarious future.

My Mother Monologue

In this monologue, Rooster—the artist—tries to spare his girlfriend from his monstrous MMonologue. Female, Dramatic, 20ss Sarah has told Ronnie that she has terminal cancer, and despite his protestations, she does not want to fight it. In addition, after years of denial and Ronnie playing the victim, Sarah has just gotten Ronnie to acknowledge the turmoil that she had to deal with growing up with their My Mother Monologue, perfectionist father.

Female, Dramatic, 20s Set in Paradise, Kentucky, Another Paradise is a full-length memory play narrated by two BonneSante S, Birdie Mae Tyler, and her daughter Neva, both on a journey of self-discovery. In this monologue, Neva talks to her mother about being ashamed of her family.

Differential sensitivity hypothesis

Neva is very elegant, and speaks with a genteel Southern accent. However, she was not brought up to be elegant and has issues with the way she was raised.

My Mother Monologue

Sally has done unspeakable things; she blames Martin for the downward spiral she experienced while taking care of their mother, and her take on the subject is one of blameless victimhood, not remorse. Though well-warned, Kitten, a runaway housewife, decides to travel with her Tulane professor, Beau, on a train trip through the Louisiana swamp. Their plans are upset when her son, Bunky, in an effort to punish her, shows My Mother Monologue as a stowaway on the train.

My Mother Monologue

Kitten and Beau struggle through their disappointments, mourning the futility of their lives, while the hurricane brewing outside the train builds toward its inevitable whirlwind of destruction. In this monologue, Bunky defends running away from home.]

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