My Epithany The Realization that Honesty Is -

My Epithany The Realization that Honesty Is Video

Sir Ken Robinson: Finding Your Element My Epithany The Realization that Honesty Is

However, after a short while this year, I am noticing that anything I say is taken as a joke and all I am to these people my friends is a jester that exists for the sole purpose to entertain. I get sad and depressed, I am human, but I have to cover up these feelings with a smile and a joke and go about making others feel better all the while my hurt is being pushed down to the bottom of my soul where it will eventually build up and become pressurized anger to the point of explosion, but at least for now, no one will see that I am hurting.

Maybe I am destined to be an entertainer all my life, but when no one takes you seriously, how can you ever be serious?

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I love to joke and make others feel better, but what about me? I can't continue taking care of others pains and concerns when I am having trouble myself, it has come to the point that I am the lowest priority in my life. What would my friends do if they heard this? That is the question.

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And I laughed and didn't say another word about it, how could I. And my dad wonders why I am so passive when it comes to making decisions. So I will continue to live my life as an entertainer, making others feel better, and always being around if they should happen to be in need of a laugh, meanwhile my heart yearns for Shelly and my situation grows even more desperate each day, oh well. Till next time.

Conflicting Values

April 14 - High Crimes and Rage. June 24 - Well, it's been a while July 24 - Life in general. October 07 - Starting a new, but. November 21 - Hello. How long has it. September 21 - A pile of shit Ad Login to follow or message this user. It was a. Please consider disabling ad blockers.]

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