Kudler Internal Control and Risk - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Kudler Internal Control and Risk Video

Assessing Internal Controls - Auditing and Attestation - CPA Exam

Kudler Internal Control and Risk - will know

Online registration for this course is now closed. Please contact the Member Service Center at if you wish to inquire about registering. Under generally accepted auditing standards GAAS , all auditors are required to follow a risk-based approach to auditing. The consideration of internal control is key to risk assessment and to the determination of overall audit approach. Understand the requirements in a financial statement audit for understanding internal control and assessing the design and implementation thereof. Kudler Internal Control and Risk

Many organizations have gone through extensive efforts to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and other internal control regulations to ensure accuracy in their financial statements.

Kudler Internal Control and Risk

But financial statement controls cover only a small area of risk and often ignore the far greater risks resulting from weak operational and other financial controls. This targeted webinar Riak provide you with a firm grasp of the common financial and operational risks that still confront companies and what you need to do, beyond insuring against them, to manage those risks. Contact Us.

Kudler Internal Control and Risk

No advance preparation required. Level of Knowledge:. CPE Credit:. Related Programs This webinar is also available as a self-study course:.]

Kudler Internal Control and Risk

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