John Maynard Keynes s Economic Theories -

John Maynard Keynes s Economic Theories Video

POLITICAL THEORY - John Maynard Keynes John Maynard Keynes s Economic Theories

John Maynard Keynes - was a British economist, financier, and journalist.

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His theories influenced twentieth-century macroeconomic thought and political economy. He was the this web page of the economic trend known as Keynesianism, opposed to neoclassical thinking in which it was proposed that the free market tends to total employment of the population, as long as wage demands are flexible. Keynes proposed that aggregate demand influences total economic activity and can generate periods of unemployment.

For this reason, he recommended that the States apply fiscal policies as a way to overcome recessions and depressions. According to his postulate, governments should invest in public works, to promote employment during crises and thus seek to bring the economy back to a point of balance, despite the fact that a budget deficit may be generated in the State. This idea was embodied in his most famous work The general theory of employment, interest, and moneywhich he developed between and He considered that increased consumption, lower Mayjard rates and public investment would regulate the economy. His approaches were accepted by almost all the great economies of the Western world before Between this date andKeynes's theories were included in most economics texts in the world. He was a critic of the economic policies adopted by the winning states of the First World War, since he considered, as indeed it happened, that Johh terms of Maynars Peace of Paris would lead the world economy to a Busineess Technology crisis.

He was also interested in journalism and was editor of some specialized economic media in Great Britain, such as The Economic Journal. John Maynard Keynes was always linked to academic life, especially at Cambridge, his alma mater. John Maynard Keynes was born in Cambridge on June 5, The young man was the first of three siblings and grew up in an environment highly stimulating for his intellect. His father was a politician, philosopher, professor at Cambridge and secretary of the same house of studies - While her mother was one of the first women to attend college in England.

Florence Ada Keynes was a historian, politician and writer, the first councilor of the City of Cambridge, where she was also a magistrate. Keynes's home was loving, John Maynard Keynes s Economic Theories had good relations with both parents and with his brothers Margaret and Geoffrey At the age of 5 and a half he began to attend school, but his poor health John Maynard Keynes s Economic Theories him from attending Maynatd. His mother and Mzynard Beatrice Mackintosh were in charge of grooming the young man at home until he entered St. Faith inwhere he quickly stood out among all his peers.

Their parents cared about their children's interests and always encouraged them to pursue them, in the same way they created reading and writing habits in the three young people. Keynes always had a penchant for mathematics and solved quadratic equations at age 9.

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Both his father and John Maynard Keynes himself decided that the best option for the young man was to study at Eton, and since the tests for Winchester were at the same time, they opted for the first. To prepare him for the entrance exams, Keynes had several private tutors, including the mathematician Robert Walter Shackle. Neville would get up with his son to study before breakfast. On July 5,both parents and Keynes Maymard for the tests, which lasted three days.

Finally, on the 12th of the same month, they received a telegram announcing not only that Keynes had been admitted, but that he was the king's 10th student, that is, that his performance in the John Maynard Keynes s Economic Theories was one of the highest. That gave him a scholarship for his studies. John Maynard Keynes began studying at Eton on September 22,living in a d dormitory with other young people of his generation, some of whom became his lifelong friends.

John Maynard Keynes

Despite not being very good at sports, due to his unhealthy nature, he adapted to Eton's activities and led an active life at school. Keynes was part of the Debating Group and the Shakespeare Society. Also, during his senior year, he was part of the Eton Society. During his time at the school he won a total of 63 awards. In Keynes and his father were undecided as to where the young man should apply for his higher education.]

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