Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press -

Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press - accept. interesting

For many centuries in Europe, in quiet monasteries secluded throughout the hills and countryside, monks worked laboriously to record the writings and ideas of great thinkers of the present and past. They wrote with blunt pointers made of metal, painstakingly recreating each word and sentence in the ornate, elegant script typical of their times. They worked by day and they worked by night. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water. And God said Let there be Light and there was Light. The calligraphy of the monks was often exquisite, but always it was slow. To produce one copy of the Bible took them a few years, even with several monks working together. Other manuscripts might take even longer. In different parts of the world professional scribes, slaves, students, and people in religious cloisters, such as the monks, did this. Officials of the church had some and the governments had some. Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press

Good question: Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press

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Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press Video

Johannes Gutenberg Short Biography - German Printing Press Inventor

Johan Gutenberg and the Printing Press

Johannes gutenberg - was a blacksmith, goldsmith, and inventor. He is remembered for having devised and manufactured the printing press with movable type in Europe around This technology was used to reproduce the 42 line bible.

Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press

Until then, the books that were made had to be copied by hand, this being the traditional and most read article way. Although wood printers had already been developed during the Middle Ages, the high cost and low durability of the molds made them impractical.

The arrival of the University in the 13th century opened the way to a large field for the dissemination Gutenbeg texts with subjects that were not related to religion, which created a market for copyists who preferred to work with paper instead of parchment because of its low cost.

Gutenberg created a system in which the characters were interchangeable at will and made of metal, allowing the pages to be designed efficiently, while increasing speed and durability, generating great savings for manufacturers. Mass communication began to generate changes in the status quo. That is why Gutenberg is considered to have contributed to the great Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press that the world of the time experienced in areas such as politics, society and Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press sciences. The possible origin of Prinhing movable type printing press appears to have been in Asia, although Gutenberg's creation has no relation to the mechanism used in the Far East. The idea probably arose while the Maguntine was living Prniting Strasbourg.

His project remained secret during the first stage, but then some details came to light after a legal dispute with his first partners. After having failed his attempt to complete the creation with the first collaborators, Gutenberg returned to his hometown, Mainz, and there he sought a new capitalist partner named Johann Fust. After some time, Gutenberg faced a second lawsuit in which Fust demanded the return, plus interest, of the money with which he had collaborated for the installation of his workshop.

Poster Print of Gutenberg, Johannes Gensfleich (c

Gutenberg's lack of resources caused him to lose the lawsuit and he had to hand over both equipment and materials to Fust, who turned this invention into a profitable business that quickly expanded. He continued to do some work with his first printing press and shortly before his death inAdolf II of Nassau saved him from ruin by naming him a member of the court and granting him a kind of pension.

Johannes Gutenberg and The Printing Press

Johann Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was born in Mainz in ]

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