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Iran Iraq War

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It entrenched the newly established regime and provided the means for its consolidation of power in the country following the Revolution. Officially recognized as the "War of Sacred Defense", the Iranian government has been careful to control public discourse and cultural representation concerning the war since the since wartime. This Iran Iraq War uncovers what some of those debates mean, nearly 30 years since the war's end.

The chapters examine the political, social and cultural ramifications of the war and the wide range of debates that surround it. The chapters in Wwr book were originally published in Middle East Critique.

Iran Iraq War

This book examines gender and the transformation of contemporary Iran. Iran is a key player in some of the most crucial issues of our time. But because Iran Iraq War its relative diplomatic isolation and the partisan nature of Waar accounts voiced by different interest groups both inside and outside the country, there is a shortage of hard information about the scale and depth of social change in today's Iran.

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In click to see more volume, and imposing roster of both internationally renowned Iranian Iran Iraq War and rising young Iranian academics offer contributions--many based on recent. Discussions of key domestic and international aspects of missile defense, armscontrol, and arms races. This volume offers a wide-ranging examination of the Iran—Iraq War —88featuring fresh regional and international perspectives derived from recently available new archival material.

Three decades ago Iran and Iraq became embroiled in a devastating eight-year war which served to re-define the international relations of the Gulf region. The Iran—Iraq War stands as an anomaly in the Cold War era; it was the only significant conflict in which the interests of the United Iran Iraq War and Soviet Union unwittingly aligned. Regarding the constitution of other-ness, this work examines the pedagogical, political and discursive practice of post-World war II Iranian intellectuals. It shows how clerics, secular and lay religious intellectuals confronted a dual sense of other-ness which resulted in dissent and nativism. An authoritative analysis of Iran's political scene, security needs, and military capabilities--including the implications of the latest efforts at reaching an accommodation with the West.

Today Iran is once again in the headlines. Reputed to be developing nuclear weapons, the future of Iraq's next-door neighbor is a matter of grave concern both for the stability of the region and for the safety of the global community.

Iran Iraq War

President George W. Bush labeled it part of the "Axis of Evil," and rails against the country's authoritarian leadership. Yet as Bush trumpets the spread of democracy throughout the Middle East, few note that Iran has one of the. With a focus on the political elite, Sadeghi-Boroujerdi analysis the intellectual and political trajectory of post-revolutionary Iranian reformism.]

Iran Iraq War

One thought on “Iran Iraq War

  1. I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.

  2. You obviously were mistaken

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