Implementation Of Building Web Architecture -

Implementation Of Building Web Architecture Implementation Of Building Web Architecture

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyBuilving Policyand our Terms of Service. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. The precedence among link syntax rules of translation is specified by the following phases [see footnote].


The specified errors occur during this last stage of compilation, most commonly referred to as linking. It basically means that you compiled a bunch of implementation files into object files or libraries and now you want to get them to work together. Say you defined symbol a in a. Now, b. Before linking, it simply assumes that that symbol was defined somewherebut it doesn't yet care where.

Implementation Of Building Web Architecture

The linking phase is responsible for finding the symbol and correctly linking it to b. If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio, you'll see that projects generate. These contain a table of exported symbols, and a table of imported symbols.

Implementation Of Building Web Architecture

The imported symbols are resolved against the libraries you link against, and the exported symbols are provided for the libraries that use that. This happens because base class destructors are called when the object is destroyed implicitly, so a definition is required.

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This Implementation Of Building Web Architecture similar to non- virtual methods with no definition, with the added reasoning that the pure declaration generates a dummy vtable and you might get the linker error without using the function:. If the implementation is outside the class definition, but in a header, the methods have to be marked as inline to prevent a multiple definition. An initializer can be provided for a static const data member of integral or enumeration type within the class Impoementation however, odr-use of this member will still require a namespace scope definition as described above.]

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