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We are living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs and a weaponisation of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media. Narrow sets of interests now dominate the agenda as society becomes more and more tribal — and, as author Douglas Murray shows, the casualties are mounting. Murray ends the book with an impassioned call for free speech, shared common values and sanity in an age of mass hysteria. The Madness of Crowds. Rs Publisher: Bloomsbury India. Every age before this one has performed or permitted acts that to us are morally stupefying.

JTA — When Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann and her colleagues gathered in a backyard earlier this month to sing together, they knew it would likely be the last time for the foreseeable future. So the team at Mishkan, the nondenominational congregation that Heydemann leads, bundled up against the November chill to record dozens of Shabbat songs. Like many places, Chicago is facing its most serious wave of coronavirus infections since the start of the pandemic. Local Jewish leaders say there are hundreds of cases in the community, and the number of people hospitalized is increasing.

How Common The Battering Of Men Who

But for now, local Jewish schools remain open, citing evidence that their protocols for containing the spread of the virus within their walls are working, even if students are getting sick elsewhere. But with the preventive measures that were in place — social distancing and mask wearing by all attendees a service held outdoors — no other attendees were infected. At other day schools, classes have Batterinng in and out of quarantine as needed while the schools themselves remain open.

Open to Opinion

Principal Ahuva Wainhaus said Tuesday that the number of students who had tested positive had grown since last week. She said there was one local yeshiva for adult men where almost every single person tested positive.

How Common The Battering Of Men Who

Many of those men had children in her school. Manya Treece, a local social worker who started a contact tracing project specifically to anonymously trace COVID cases within the Orthodox community, said there were so many cases that it was often hard to know where the infection came from. The initiative released a video Monday featuring community members calling on their fellow Jewish Chicagoans to be vigilant about wearing a mask. Still, some community leaders say that anti-mask influence has increased in recent months, making education about preventing the disease even more important.

Katz said he had heard of doctors from outside the local community who cast doubt on the efficacy of masks and distancing, which seeded Hlw in local efforts to stem the spread of the virus. Against the backdrop of increasing cases, some schools and synagogues are retooling their approach.

How Common The Battering Of Men Who

Beginning this week, the Bernard Zell Jewish Day School, an independent day school for students in kindergarten through eighth grade, will test all students staff on campus twice a week. To Matanky of the Ida Ho Jewish Academy, keeping children in school all day is, in some ways, safer than having them at home. Services are continuing, but while the synagogue had hoped to resume some other activities, including some form of childcare so parents could attend synagogue, they have since scrapped those plans.

Students at the Ida Crown Jewish Academy pray in an outdoor service while wearing masks and maintaining social distance.]

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