Homosexuality From The Church s Point Of Video
Pope Francis Comments on Gay Priests, Homosexuality: 'Who Am I to Judge' Homosexuality From The Church s Point OfDeeply loved him.

We love the homosexuals. But we do not agree with homosexuality because the Bible is against it. Eventually, he brought Gabby onto the stage.

He said Jesus was the only answer to sexual perversion. Here is Bishop, in reference to the same high school student, insisting that "gay is not okay" as he longs for the days when kids were sent home for wearing LGBTQ-supportive tees:.
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Solid Rock Church has made no bones about its resistance to even basic acceptance of LGBTQ people, and has even managed to carve out a national profile due to this stance. Latest Posts. Share this.]

Certainly. So happens. We can communicate on this theme.
You have hit the mark.