Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad -

Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad

Essay outline for speech

Graduation Day is a day to mark a tremendous accomplishment. You could not have come to this day without a lot of hard work. There may have been days when you felt that you could not continue, and yet you did. The moment when you are called up to the stage to receive your diploma, resplendent in your cap and gown, is a moment to savor. You can not lose what has now been given to you. Whether it is a high school, college, graduate, or doctoral diploma, that achievement will be yours forever. Now go on and take on the world! If you can keep your head when all Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too:. Read Complete Poem. I was never an avid reader nor appreciated poetry most of my life.

My dad sent me this poem for my 28th birthday, printed along with a lovely card. Living many miles away from him I often Read complete story.

Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could. I have studied Frost's poems.

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I love them because of the philosophy of life Frost expresses through them. We can't begin to tell you Just how loved you are We can't believe how time has flown And how you've come so far. I too was looking for some ideas to put in my oldest daughter's senior dance recital add. I found more than an idea - this poem was everything that I could have possibly wanted to say.

You're the driver of your destiny, Passenger of none, In control and looking forward Of things that must be done. G is for the Grades that got you here.

Short essay on mom and dad

R is for the Recommendations from teaches back there. A is for the Attitude you had in class.

Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad

D is for the Determination; your goal was to pass. I was always told that anything can be taken away from you but your education. How true this is! You can lose your mate, your house, your Speec, your child, your parents I was always a The mind panics as you mount the stage Over the future of your coming age. What to be?

Graduation Speech My Mom And My Dad

What to do? As life's questions seek to bombard you.]

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